Chapter 6 -- The Wedding

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Word had quickly gotten around Sonja's office that she was getting married. The spouse of one of her team members worked at the Sequoia Restaurant. The wife called complaining to her husband that they had a cancellation for a reception scheduled for just six weeks away. Percy was sitting at her desk minding her own business when she her Pierre Jackson holler her name like a madman. It only took her a few seconds to run down to his cubicle to see what the commotion was about.

"Here Mary Alice. Say that again." Sonja didn't know how she could contain the grin on her face. "Mary, could you hold the room for me. Let me call my honey and see if we could swing this."

"Chris, this is a one of a lifetime opportunity" Sonja gushed. "The Sequoia offers stunning event space for wedding ceremonies and receptions. It's located in historic Georgetown and offers a one-of-a-kind wedding venue overlooking the Potomac River, the Kennedy Center, Watergate, and the Virginia skyline. Plus we don't have to pay for the room because the other party has to forfeit the deposit because of the cancellation policy. We would just have to pay for the flowers, the food and the band if we have one."

"Well Sonja I think that is great. I need to talk to King first."

Duane Pride was a little stunned when he heard LaSalle's request. That's a very short time frame Chris. I don't know if we could all make it. In the end, it did all work out. Chris found out that there was a regular military hop out of the Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base New Orleans Thursday afternoons heading for Andrews Air Force Base. If necessary they could all attend an 11 a.m. wedding and be back in 'Nola Sunday evening.

Sonja did a lot of research while Chris and Pride were trying to work out the details for the team on their end. She was just stunned to find out that they could do their wedding license by proxy. Chris was able to get his blood test and put his signature on the marriage license application and overnight it to Sonja in D.C. Chris' soon to be boss was more than happy to witness the documents as his proxy.

The first thing for Sonja of course was to find a dress. Being the dreamer that she was, she always took the time to look in the windows of a bridal shop at the mall. She had spotted a dress six months before that she knew was made for her when she got married ten years from then. She ran in there Sunday. The sales lady helped her look through the dresses but to no avail could find it. She had given up and went to look for a suitable selection. It was 1 p.m. by then and she was getting a little hungry. She turned to ask the clerk another question only to find that she had went on her break. "Oh shoot" she told the teenager who had just come on shift. "I will always be disappointed that I could not find that dress that I saw in the window."

"Well what did it look like" the young woman asked? As Sonja described the dress, the young woman started to walk off. Sonja was a little pissed by then. She turned back around said "ma'am follow me." She walked to the sales rank and buried between two huge hooped wedding gowns pulled out the very same dress that Sonja had seen in the window six months before. Sonja tried the dress with glee but found that it was a little too big. The young woman made an appointment for her for Monday with the tailor.

Two weeks later the now tailored and pressed gown looked like it was ready for a runway appearance. Sonja made sure that the young woman was working when she came to pick up her gown. "Here honey, you deserve a tip for this one." The young college student stuck the envelope in her pocket and forgot about it until she was ready to go home. Inside the envelope Sonja had place money matching the value of the full price of the dress verse what she had paid for it.

Christopher had no problem. He had his sister go to his closet at home and get his tails. They still fit him like body armor. His momma told him as they waited for the ceremony begin that he looked like a 'fine southern gentleman'

The rehearsal dinner was held in the same room where the reception would be held on Saturday. They were able to use their flowers at both events.

The wedding was beautiful. The sun shone wonderfully as a picturesque background in the hotel's garden. There was a superb string quartet playing as Sonja walked in. She had found a string adaptation of the Richard Marx's song entitled "Right Here Waiting for You". While they had not had the stretch of time when they would be oceans apart, being on both ends of the coast had plagued Sonja for months since she left him in New Orleans. They had planned to include a recording of Marx singing it when they sent their friends a copy of the wedding ceremony, photos and songs on a flash drive.

Both managed to get through their vows without being overwhelmed. Actually it Tammy and Sabastian who shed the most tears during the ceremony. The reception was wonderful.

Chis had found an amazing resort for their honeymoon. The Homestead was a luxury resort located in Hot Springs, Virginia. The Homestead was ranked among the world's finest golf and spa resorts. Dating back to 1766, the property offered unparalleled hospitality and Southern charm in a 2,000-acre setting with 483 luxury guest rooms and suites, a wide array of fine and casual dining choices, an expansive spa, championship golf courses, and a two-acre water park. LaSalle had buried his clubs in the back of his rental but Sonja found them when she was looking for her laptop just before they left the condo. Embarrassing!!!

After a week back in the D.C. area, LaSalle returned to New Orleans for his last six weeks at NCIS New Orleans. A month later he got a text from his new bride. "Ready for a black out." Oh Lord he thought. Sonja had drawn a mission.

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