Chapter 3 -- The Homecoming

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It had been a long day during the first week of training when Isler gave LaSalle the 'high sign. "Hey, I'm not supposed to know this but I found out that your buddy is supposed to be back in country sometime soon."

LaSalle's phone rang in the middle of a briefing session two days later. He finally managed to glance at his phone while the next presenter hooked up his slide presentation. 'Unlisted.' Crap.

He quickly found his way to the hallway at the break and listened to the message. It was Percy.

"Hey City Mouse. Looks like I'll be able to see you after all. I should be at BMI about 5:30. I'll catch a ride into the City with one of my teammates."

Chris made a B-line to his vehicle as soon as they were dismissed. He had scoped out the dishes and glass wear. He wanted to do something special for Percy to repay her for letting him stay at her condo. Chris had to admit that he was rather proud of himself with how great the table looked. He put his steak in the oven before he went to jump into the shower. He had just checked the meat when he heard Percy's key in the door. He headed toward the door and took her suitcase as she walked through it.

"Hey City Mouse".

"Hey you yourself" Sonja replied. "It's good to see you again."

Christopher quickly realized how much he had missed her and her perfume as he hugged her tightly.

"Well, my steak is in the oven. I can start your food now that you are here."

Sonja took a quick shower and rejoined LaSalle as he handed her a glass of wine. The two talked for a while until the dinner was finished cooking.

Chris cleared the table and started the dishwasher. He got his phone out and found one of his favorite Bonnie Raitt songs.

"Come here Sonja" he said as he extended his hand. Half way through the song his phone rang.

"Sorry Sonja, it's King, I need to take this" The call lasted much longer than he expected. Chris returned to the front room to find Percy fast asleep. He tried to wake her up but finally just picked her up and carried into her bedroom.

Chris returned to the kitchen to empty the dishwasher and to wash the pots and pans. He had to admit that he was a little tired himself. He had barely gotten into his bed when he heard Percy yelling. He quickly ran into her room. The light from her bathroom dimly lit the bedroom.

"Country Mouse is that you? Why am I having this dream again" she asked. "Can't you just leave me alone? Leave me alone she shouted! You already broke my heart. I loved you Christopher LaSalle. Quit haunting me!"  At that Percy rolled over and began to once again breathe quietly in a deep sleep.

Christopher LaSalle stood stunned watching his old partner sleep while he recalled her words of fear, he had to focus on her declaration of love for him.  He finally forced himself to retreat into his own bedroom. He did not sleep well. Now it appeared that he was the one that was haunted. He thought back to the first day that he met this pint sized fireball. He remembered the first time he pulled her into his arms. He knew that he wanted to kiss her but in that moment he also realized that he wanted to do some unmentionable things to or rather with her as well,

LaSalle tossed and turned all night. He was awakened by his alarm wishing that he never had to get out of bed. He moved quietly so he would not disturb the sleeping Percy.

He took a moment to leave her a note reminding her that she owed him a night out dancing.

LaSalle was distracted all day. It was almost like he had been out all night drinking but it was from the lack of sleep coupled with trying to make sense out of Percy's seemingly confession to feelings for him. The work day was finally over but his mind was still moving at warp speed.

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