Chapter 8 - The Baby

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It took a few months but Christopher and Sonja were finally able to work out a system to communicate off the books. So LaSalle, while anxious, was not surprised to get a text with an address in New Orleans. "1652 – 17th Street, New Orleans" was all the message said. Translation? She would arrive at 4:52 on the 17th.

It was Sonja's idea to purchase the burner phone after Chris was freaked out over a news report that a supposed CIA operative had been captured in a sweep the Congo. He knew in his mind that the operative would most likely never be returned to their country of birth. A week later he learned from Isler that the agent was a Brit.

LaSalle took his normal seat within eye shot of the secure desk at Reagan National. This is the location where weapons and items of great value like cash and jewels were claimed. He was fortunate that the aircraft was on time. It didn't take long for him to find his not so tall wife among the taller individuals walking down the jet way. As he got close to his beloved one, he noticed both how tired she looked and the color of her skin. She sat her brief case down and then literally jumped up into his arms. "I missed you Country Mouse" she exclaimed. "Not as much as I missed you City Mouse" LaSalle retorted. Lowering her to the floor, LaSalle picked up her bag and grabbed her hand. They quickly walked over to the secure room and sad down to wait for her weapon to arrive.

Once in the car Chris asked "is there anything special that you want to eat?"

"I'm not sure. For the first time in a long time I got sick on that long flight. I know that I have some food in the freezer that I can cook. Why don't we stop at the store so I can get some sprite or seven up to settle my stomach?

Once home, Chris helped through her normal routine when she returned home which was to totally unpack her bag to insure that she didn't bring home any unwelcome critters with her. Chris took the suitcases to the back porch as a double check. "Bath or shower honey" Chris asked.

"Bath. I feel so dirty" Sonja responded.

LaSalle filled the tub and put two towels onto the towel warmer. He returned ten minutes later to find his wife in the tub with her mask on. "Is there some reason why I am in here alone Country Mouse?"

"Well, I thought that you would to unwind a little".

"Well that might happen a little easier if you were in here too."

Suddenly Sonja stood up like she was on fire and ran to the toilet room. Chris stood there waiting for her to come back and finally went to check up on her.

I'll be back honey. He went into the kitchen to get her a glass of the sprite. Sonja was brushing her teeth only to erupt again this time all over herself and the sink. After removing her nightgown, she jumped into the shower to get the rest of the puke off her.

Chris would not tell her that she looked worse that earlier. Sonja got into the bed and left considerable distance between herself and her husband. She felt bad but she was trying to concentrate on not throwing up again. Unfortunately that did work either. She woke up sick as a dog running once again for the toilet.

"Don't argue Chris. I have to go in for the debrief sick or not."

Chris LaSalle was not happy. "You could have something bad Sonja. You should really go see your doctor."

"If I promise to go this afternoon, would you let it go Country Mouse?"

Reluctantly he shook his head.

The first thing that Sonja did upon arrival was to make an appointment with her doctor.

Sonja thought that it was odd that her doctor had a smile on her face when she came into the room. "Hello Sonja. I'm never sure which name to call you. When I see your chart it says one thing yet your medical test say Percy."

"That's because I still use Percy as my professional name remember" she replies.

"Well, I will be calling you Mrs. LaSalle today. Your blood work came up positive for pregnancy.

Sonja looked back at her in disbelief. The doctor continued to read over her file and reminded her that she had missed her annual physical three months ago. "Your implant has an effective date for five years. That was four months ago."

"You looked surprised. Are you happy?"

"Oh yes doctor, I'm happy. I know that my husband will be thrilled. It's just that we had planned to wait two or three more years" Sonja replied.

"Well you appear to be about two months along. I will prescribe some prenatal vitamins for you."

Sonja could feel the glow on her face. She thought about how she would tell her husband.

"City Mouse?" Chris inquired as he looked at his watch. "You're home early.

" promised you that I would go see the doctor."

"So what is it a virus or what?"

"Neither" she said grinning. "It was your child telling us that she/he was in my belly."

Christopher LaSalle was even more shocked than his wife.

"You're pregnant" he mumbled out.

"Yes" she exclaimed!

Chris LaSalle moved to fully embrace his wife. "Oh City Mouse. I can't even begin to express how happy I am, but I don't know."

"Know what Country Mouse?

"If I am ready to be a father. There's so much to be responsible for. We only talked about this in passing. I thought that I would have more time to prepare."

"Well you have seven months Mr. LaSalle!" Sonja retorts

The pregnancy went smoothly. Sonja only gained 17 pounds and was still working out in a reduced level at seven months.

Christopher cherished getting the nursery ready. He marveled at every little piece of clothing that they bought. While he had told his wife that he only wanted their baby to be healthy, he was more than pleased as he bragged to King that he was going to have a son. In fact King he said we already picked out his name – Christopher William. We will also name him after my classmate William Scott who died in Afghanistan.

They had long decided to hire a nanny. Chris was given a referral by Abby Sciuto. She had met the woman in a social organization that she had belonged to. Chris wasn't so sure given the eccentric persona of Abby but Sonja was willing to interview her given neither of them knew anyone in Washington, D. C.

Both were shocked to see an average looking grandma standing at the front door. Chris was actually sold on Mariam Johnson as soon as she opened her mouth to reveal her Alabama accent. Mariam was a war widow and had put both of her children through Tuskegee University. She had moved up north to care for a sick family member who had passed away a few months before. Mariam thought that she could commit to remaining at least three years after the baby was born.

The one down fall that Sonja endured was the hot D.C. summer.

Baby Christopher took his time making his entrance. He was finally born on his grandmother's birthday. Sonja stayed home for six months, and then worked half days for three more. Her first mission was horrible for both her and the baby. He missed her so badly that CJ would cling to Christopher as soon as he came through the door. Miss Mariam would often just stand back and watch the scene unfold. She only intervened when she knew that Chris had had a long shift or a difficult day. "Oh yes Sonja honey, he looks a little weary some days but he will appreciate all this time he has to spend with his son when the boy gets older" she told her one day.

LaSalle began to take the 'early flight' on Saturday morning for his golf game after it became apparent that once his son saw him on Saturday morning that it was all over.

Sunday mornings found Chris showering and then going in to get his son. This scenario would continue until he started playing soccer eight years later. Chris didn't mind one bit. He cherished the time that he had with his son. How odd he thought one day that he ended up being the primary care giver for his children.

Four years later, the LaSalles had a second child. Emma was every bit her mother's daughter. Independent and boisterous. She was born an 'entertainer'. Even as a small child she was known to be a drama queen in her speaking, eating and dressing. Chris was not surprised that she became an actress.

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