Going back

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Coraline comes and wakes me up in the middle of the night and we go through the little door once more. "Welcome back, darlings." Other mother greets us. "Hi" Coraline says. "So thoughtful of you to visit again. Would you go fetch your father? I bet he's hungry as a pumpkin by now." "You mean our other father." I say. "Your better father dear. He's out in the garden." "But our parents don't have time to garden." She stuffs a strawberry in our mouths and sends us on our way.

We get out to the garden and look around. "I can't believe you did this!" I exclaim. Magical birds started flying around and as Coraline and I walked the flowers lit up. Some vines came out of the wall and started tickling Coraline and I.

"Children in distress. Tickle no more, you dragon snappers. Come with me Coraline I have something to show you." Coraline looks back at me before hopping into the praying mantic robot and it took off.

After they get back down Coraline says "She says it's time for dinner,breakfast, food." "Mmm. So good. I love dinner-breakfast-food." Coraline says. "Coraline and M/n, Mr. Bobinsky has invited you to come see the jumping mice perform after dinner."

"Really?" I ask. "Yup" "know-it-all Wybie said it was all in Mr. B's head. I knew he was wrong." Coraline says and our other father joins in. "Well everything is right in this world, kiddo." "Your father and I will clean up while you and your friend head next door." "My friend?" Coraline asks. Other mother opens the door and there is Wybie.  "Great. Another Wybie. Hello why-were-you-born." I smack Coralines hand and glare at her.

Wybie waves hello. "Hellllooo?" "I thought you'd like him more if he spoke a little less so I fixed him." Other mother says from behind us.
"So he can't talk at all?" I ask slightly disappointed. "Nope." "Hmm. I like it." "Now run along and have fun." Coraline, Wybie and I walk away.

As we walk up the stairs Coraline starts a conversation. "You're awful cheerful considering you can't say anything. It didn't hurt did it, when she..." Wybie points up and we see a little ballon go into a little window above the door so we run toward it and I knock in the door. We enter to see a Circus tent, popcorn machine and some cotton candy cannons.  "Whoa! Cool!" I step on a pedal and it shoot cotton candy at me. "Oof" it hits me in the face.

I hear the cannon go off a few more times before being led into what I can only assume is the tent.  "Lady and gentleman, for to tickle your eyes and ears and making hearts to thump, I, Sergei Alexander Bobinsky, am introducing my astoundishing, stupendulous and amazing jumping mouse circus!" I hear Mr. B say.

Coraline pulls the cotton candy off my face and I see mice doing a dance and playing instruments. One of them is on a red ball with a star running around. "It's wonderful Wybie." Coraline says and I nod in agreement as Wybie does the same.

"Wow!""Yahoo! That was great." Coraline and I say to Mr B. "Very, very thank you, lady and gentlemen." "We loved it Mr. B. It was so... so..." Coraline starts. "Amazing!" I finish.  "You are welcome anytime you like. You and also your good friend there. Do svidaniya, Caroline." We go to bed as the other parents watch our sleeping forms as I choose to stay with Coraline.


"There were garden squash like balloon animals and snapdragons. Oh! and next door I saw a real mouse circus. Not pretend like the crazy man in our house." Coraline rants as our dad gets out of the car for a meeting.  "You sure you won't come?" He asks our mom. "Don't fret, Charlie. They'll love the new catalogue. Atleast they'll love my chapters... and I did not call him crazy Coraline. He's drunk." "Well, I guess I'll see you around you dizzy dreamer."
Dad grabs Coralines nose and pulls as she pushes his hand away. "Dad! I'm not five anymore."

Time skip.

We were at a 50% off sale for school uniforms and I say a cute blue flower crown that I wanted and coraline picked up a pair of gloves.
"Put them back you two." "But mom, the whole school's going to wear boring gray clothes. No one will have these." Coraline complains. "Put them back." Mom says sternly. "Mom pleaseee" I beg. "No M/n." I look down sadly and Coraline speaks. "My other mother would get them." "Maybe she should buy all your clothes."

"So what do you think is in the other apartment?" Coraline asks as we drive home.
"I don't know. Not a family of Jones imposters." "Then why'd you lock the door?" "Wait mom you locked the door?" I ask kinda mad. "Yeah. I found some rat crap.. and I thought you'd feel safer.

"They're jumping mice mom and the dreams aren't dangerous. They're the most fun I've had since we moved here." "Your school might be fun." "Have you SEEN the uniforms mom? So bland." I say while looking out the window in Disgust.

As we walked inside mom said. "Had to give it a try. How do you feel about a mustard, ketchup, salsa wrap for lunch?" "Are you kidding me?" "Ew that sounds gross. I'll go eat one of my plants instead."
"Have to go food shopping later anyway. Dad's planning something special." "Grossgusting." As moms not looking I make a barfing gesture to Coraline.

"You wanna come along? you can pick out something you like." Mom says as she grabs her purse to go out once more. "Oh like the gloves. And the flower crown?" "Look Caroline, if things go well today, I promise I'll make it up... to both of you." "That's what you always say." I sighed. "Won't be long." Mom says softly before leaving. "But I might be." Coraline says.

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