Felix~ (Imagine)

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*Requested by Jisoos_and_Namjesus*

(3rd Person P.O.V)

Y/N had really bad insomnia. She couldn't fall asleep. It had gotten so bad. She was also super depressed because of her past and insomnia. She thought her life was absolutely miserable. She couldn't stand it. She wanted to change, but no one could help her. She was alone.

Felix was always happy. He helped whoever was in need, he wore a smile everywhere he went. He was the definition of sunshine. Yet, he thought his life wasn't fulfilled. He was lonely at home, had no one when he returned. He wanted someone, or even a friend to have near. He was alone.

(Felix's P.O.V)

I walked down the street to the cafe to get coffee. I waved and smiled at people on my way, that way I can brighten their day. If only, they did the same. I also, love children. They are so cute. I waved to an adorable kid while passing. I just wish that I had something like that too. Family, friends, real happiness.

(Y/N's P.O.V)

I was walking to the cafe to get some coffee because I know I won't be sleeping anyway. I also wanted to eat something. I walk in and order my food and sit down at a small table in the corner. I look around and see that the cafe is pretty busy.

Eventually I get my drink and sit back down. I take out my computer so I can study. I usually study here because it's small, and calming.

"Hey, Can I sit here? It's the only spot open. I'm just waiting until my drink is done and then I can move." A man asks me.

"Umm, sure. I don't mind." I respond. Even though, I'm not usually social.

"Thanks. So, what's your name?" The man asks me, starting friendly conversation.

"Umm. My name is Y/N, You?" I ask back politely.

"Hi, I'm Felix. Nice to meet you." He says holding his hand out to shake. I shake his small hands.

"So, Where are you from?" He asks.

"Umm, I'm from California but moved here. To Texas,You?" I respond, actually getting interested in a conversation with him.

"I'm originally from Australia but I moved to Korea." Felix answers.

"Wow. That's interesting."

"I mean, I guess. How old are you?" He continues.

"I'm 18. You?"

"Me too. What's your favo-" He gets cut off by the waitress yelling his name, telling him his drink is done.

"Oh, I got to get my drink, it was nice to meet you." He says walking off.

"Wait!" He turns around and looks at me. "Umm. I would like to get to know you a little more, do you wanna come back and sit with me again, if you have time?"

"I would like that. In that case, I'll be right back." He says with a smile.

[Timeskip because too much. Timeskip to 3 hours later]

Me and Felix were still at the cafe but it began to get dark. "I should get going, it was so nice to meet you. I would love to contact you sometime. Can I have your number?" He asks nervous.

"Sure." I said blushing a little. We exchanged numbers and then he left.

Felix and I have been friends for a while now. I have been able to open up more around him. He means a lot to me, I've started sleeping and smiling more because of him. He actually lives with me now and he's so sweet. His cute freckles, brightening smile, his soft lips that I just want to ki- wait what am I thinking.

(Felix's P.O.V)

I live with my best friend, Y/N, now. She's amazing. We've become really close. I feel like she fills the empty void in my heart. She was the person missing in my life. I love her smile that she wears now. Her cute face she has when sleeping, when she pouts, her cute giggle, her beautiful eyes, her lips that I just want to- Oh my god. What was I thinking? I think I really like Y/N.

I walk into the apartment and see Y/N cooking. "Hey Y/N, what ya cooking?"

"Oh, Hi. I'm just cooking some ramen. You want some?" She responds.

"You know it."

"Hey Felix?"


"Do you remember when we first met? I've changed a lot since then. You've changed me, for the better. Thank you."

"No need to thank me. You've changed me too. Here sit down." I say patting the spot on the couch next to me. "You go first."

"Before I met you, I was really depressed and didn't sleep because of my insomnia. Ever since I met you, I've been happy. You make me happy. I sleep at night now. You've helped me throughout these years. I'm now healthy, and happy, because of you. It's as if I was meant to be meet you. Meant to become healthy and meant to help you. As if we were meant for each other."

I smile at her explanation. "I feel similar. I was missing something in my life. I would act happy but I always felt like my life was missing something. You were that something. And, we are meant to be. I really like you Y/N."

(3rd Person P.O.V)

Y/N blushes at his sudden confession. "I really like you too. I've wanted to be with you, but I didn't want to ruin our fri-"

"Will you be my Girlfriend? Please, we're meant to be. You make me better."

"Of course I would Felix."

Felix grabs Y/N's cheeks and brings his face closer to hers. He leans his forehead on hers. He places his soft lips on hers. The kiss is gentle yet loving. You can feel their love for each other. His lips lay against hers perfectly. They really were meant for each other. Felix pulls away and places his forehead on hers again.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to that." Felix says.

Y/N giggles and pulls him in for another kiss.

"Me too. I'm happy to be yours."

"And I'm happy you're mine."

Well that's it! 1035 words! This didn't come out exactly the way I wanted tho. Hope you enjoyed. Hope it turned out the way you wanted.
Did not read through!

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