Mystery Plan

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"Hello?" A hand was waved in front of your face and you blinked, coming back to reality. You turned to see Layken staring at you worriedly.

"What's wrong?" You yawned as you shifted your attention completely to her.

"You were spacing out...more than usual. Are you okay?" She asked leaning on your desk.

You nodded, "Just tired. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night."

That was true. You'd wake up in a cold sweat every hour with the mindset that someone was watching you. You'd eventually calm yourself down enough to fall back to sleep, but then wake up a few minutes later.

Layken nodded slowly, "I'm sure you could go to the nurse if you really wanted more sleep. Say your stomach hurts or..."

"Thanks Layken, but I think I'll be fine." You slumped in your chair.

"Hey everyone, look at the toddler! She's whining 'cause she missed nap time." Someone called and you turned to see Riley laughing from across the room. The people around him started laughing as well.

"Drop dead." You scowled and slumped in your chair more.

"You want a pacifier? How about a blanket?" He mocked a tear running down his face.

"I said shut up Riley." You growled as you glared at him.

"Why should I? There isn't a teacher in the room. It's not like you've ever cared so-" His eyes widened as you shot up from your seat, slamming your hands down on your desk.

"I said shut...up." You gave him a pointed look and vaguely felt hands on your shoulders. You turned to see Layken staring at you in surprise, trying to guide you back to your seat.

"Make me." He smirked, noticing Layken trying to get you to calm down.

You shrugged out of Laykens grasp and slowly walked towards him, "Listen Riley. I'm not in a very good mood. If you want to get beaten up, talk to me later but for now I'd like to spend my morning in peace." You stopped in front of his seat.

He glanced up at you and then around at his friends, "I don't know but to me, it sounds like you're bluffing. What do you think?" His friends nodded, smiling, "So...How about we go, right here right now?"

You narrowed your eyes, "You sure you really wanna do this?"

"Oh, I'm positive. There's no way someone like you-" You grabbed the tie of his uniform and yanked him towards you.

"Riley. Are you sure you want to do this." Your eyes darkened slightly.

Shock registered on his face for a second before it turned into a scowl, "What? Scared? I could-"

A fist connected with his face and the whole room went silent. You let go of his tie and turned to see the teacher standing in the doorway.

"M-Ms..." Now would be a good time to remember her name (Y/n)! "I-I can explain."

You saw her gaze travel down to Riley who was gently touching his cheek on the floor and then back to you, "Miss (L/n). Please step out into the hallway with me for a few moments."

"(Y/n)..." You heard Layken say and you turned to give her a reassuring smile before following the teacher outside.

"Wait! Ms! I can explain. Please don't expel me, my father will be furious and I wouldn't be able to-"

She held up her hand, "I'm not going to expel you Miss (L/n). However, I will have to report it to the headmaster. It will be his choice if you're expelled. I pulled you out here because there has been an...adjustment to your schedule."

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