Who is 'G'

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"But the note...." You trailed off in confusion.

It was signed G... There's no one else in this house besides-

Your eyes widened slightly, "Gale, whats Sean's father's name?"

"Gabriel. Why do..." Realization crossed his face, "You're thinking that he wrote the note."

You nodded, "If it was signed 'G' and you didn't write it, then maybe he did."

He looked away from you, "I don't know (Y/n). Gabriel doesn't really do anything. He stays cooped up in his room and Josephine handles everything."

"But he said he wanted to talk about me and his concerns with everyone watching me." You said hopefully, "Maybe he could help me get out."

"Get out?" Gale echoed.

Your face fell, "Oh. I never told you about that huh.... It slipped my mind."

"Um, back in the kitchen a few days ago I had a question but Xander came in and interrupted me." He said, searching your face as if it had an answer.

"Oh?" You asked, raising your eyebrows.

"There's tons of news stations in the area covering a story about a girl who went missing in Northview who oddly looks a lot like you (Y/n). Is that you?"

You held your breath.

Do I tell him? What if he gets hurt like Riley and Abby did? There's no telling what those guys would do...

He watched your indifferent expression in curiosity, the silence dragging longer and longer.

"...Yes." You finally answered, looking at the ground.

"Did you run away?" He asked softly.

"No!" You shouted, shaking slightly, "I was taken."

"Taken...? Wait, do you mean by Young Master Roe?" There was obvious surprise in his voice.

You nodded.

"So you're missing because you're here, out in the countryside, where no one can find you?" He looked at you in a mixture of concern and awe. "I never thought Sean would kidnap someone."

You shrugged and walked to the edge of the bushes and stared at them intently.

"And you want to leave?" He murmured.

Another nod.

"Well why haven't you?"

"I tried!" You cried, turning to look at him, "I really did. I got outside and then there was a gun pointed at me and I disappeared for two days because they threw me in a dusty old room and locked me in there." Tears filled your eyes, "I just wanted to hope for a single second that I could get out, but it seems impossible now."

Within a second, Gale was up and walking over to you. He pulled you into a hug and softly consoled you.

"I'm sorry..... I didn't know." He whispered.

"It's alright." You murmured into his shoulder.

"Well, maybe you should meet up with Gabriel. If he really is concerned, you might have a chance of leaving."

You nodded and he let go of you, wiping at one of your tears, "Just don't cry. It makes me feel terrible."


"Because pretty girls shouldn't cry." He said with a small smile.

You let out a small laugh as you wiped the remaining tears away and composed yourself, "Alright, I'm going to find Gabriel."

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