Change of Plans

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"Elijah?" You asked, body completely frozen as his eyes traveled over you as if confirming you were okay.

He sighed and walked towards you, the kitchen doors swinging shut behind him. "What happened? What did she do? Did she touch you?"

Xander tensed as he came closer and he glanced between you and Elijah, trying to figure out if he needed to step in.

You gave him a confused look, "What are you talking about."

He placed his hands on your cheeks, worry still in his eyes, "Josephine."

Eyes widening slightly, you pulled away from his hands, "What-... How do you know about that?"

"You went out in the garden and then she did... and then she came back out but you didn't so I got worried and went out to check on you. Sean's dog watcher was out there and he said he hadn't seen you in a while." He rushed out. "That woman is a conniving devil. I want you to stay away from her."

"So you weren't in the garden?" You blinked slowly, processing what he said.

"No... Should I have been?"

Xander calmly ate his soup, watching the exchange with curiosity.

"No." You rushed out as you sighed internally with relief.

He gave you a perplexed expression, "Did she do anything to you?"

You looked past him at the wall and weighed your options, "We talked...."

"About?" Elijah pressed on.

"My stay, how I was liking it here, my opinions on Sean-"

"What kind of opinions?" Xander asked, resting his chin in his hand

You shifted from foot to foot, "My thoughts about him as a friend and a classmate..."

He nodded and absentmindedly swirled the broth around in the bowl.

"So she didn't hurt you?" Elijah said, diverting your attention back to him.

"No." You sighed, "She just talked to me and that was it."

He visibly relaxed and a small smile came to his face, "Good. I would've hated to kill my friends mom, but if it was necessary..."

Panic shot through your system.

Thats right... They're crazy... not normal. I can't forget that.

You laughed nervously, "Yeah... that would suck."

Elijah didn't pick up on your uneasiness, "Well, now that you don't have anything to do, you can come hang out with me."

Xander dropped his spoon, "Hey, she's with me right now."

Elijah glanced at the bowl of soup and back at you, "I repeat: She has nothing to do."

Anger flashed in Xander's face, "We were talking. Something you can't seem to let her do."

Something bad's about to happen....

Elijah opened his mouth to say something, but you lightly grabbed his arm, "Elijah... why don't you wait out in the hall and I'll be there in a second."

He furrowed his brow, "Why do I have to wait out there."

You smiled at him, "Because I'm going to hang out with you, but I'm going to end my conversation with Xander."

He looked at Xander, nodded, and smirked before walking out the doors.

"So you're gonna hang out with him..." Xander trailed off looking at his bowl, hurt in his voice.

"Yes, but we had a pleasant conversation... right?" You said, leaning on the table hopefully.

He nodded, "It could be longer though..."

You sighed, "We can talk more later."

His eyes met yours, "You sure?"

You nodded and he smiled, "Alright, it's a promise though. Don't forget."

Turning to walk out the door you gave him a thumbs up, "I won't."

The moment you stepped out the door, Elijah grabbed your hand and pulled you down the hallway.

"Woah- Wait! Elijah where are we even going." You asked as the boy dragged you around a third corner.

He glanced back at you and answered, "Movie theater."

Sighing, you let him drag you until he stopped in front of a set of double doors. He turned to look at you and pushed open the doors, revealing the room behind them.

Why is Sean so rich...

You tentatively took a step into the room, staring at the enormous projection screen hanging on the wall across from you. Plush white chairs and couches sat on raised platforms or the floor and on the right side of the room a small bar with a fridge and popcorn machine sat tucked into the wall.

"This is my favorite room in Sean's house." Elijah smiled as he watched you observe the room.

"Do you like movies?" You asked absentmindedly as you made your way towards a bookcase inlaid in the wall that held dozens of movies.

"Extremely." He walked over to the shelf and pulled out a few movies at random. "These seem like some you would like."

You read the titles, but didn't recognize the movies at all. "We're gonna watch one?"

"No. I brought you to the theater so that we could run a few laps and work out." He said as he rolled his eyes.

"You don't have to be rude about it..." You mumbled as you went over to the bar and started making yourself a bowl of popcorn.

He walked over to the screen and inserted one of the dvds into a small slit. The screen flashed and preview ads started playing on the screen. His eyes met yours and he smiled.

"Would you make me some too?"

You sighed, "I guess."

You made him a bowl of popcorn and walked over to one of the chairs sitting in the front row.

"No." Elijah called out, "The couch."

You raised your eyebrows and glanced at him, "But the chair is fine..."

"But the couch is even better." He came over and guided you away from the white plush chair. He put a hand on your shoulder and pushed you down until you were seated on the couch and then sat to your right.

"The chair would've been fine." You mumbled as you crossed your arms.

He smirked and fast forwarded to the starting menu of the movie.

"Are you good? Do you want to grab something else to eat or drink before it starts?" He asked, glancing at you.

"Nope. I'm okay" You answered as you shoved a few pieces of popcorn into your mouth.

"Alright." He said as he started the movie.

"What's it even about?" You asked as the screen went dark.

He glanced at you again, "You'll see."

AN: Apparently I can't do basic human functions like stick to a schedule, but hey! At least I got a chapter out.... after almost a month again.... Now that finals are done and I have super easy classes I can start focusing on Wattpad again. Thanks if you're still around and following this story!

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