Unknown Enemy

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You slowly opened your eyes and looked around the room.

Where am I...

Suddenly, the events of lunch came flooding back to you and you sighed. You gently sat up, wincing at the pain and yawned.

"How are you feeling?" A voice asked, causing you to jump.

You turned your head to see a pair of purple eyes staring at you in worry. You blinked a few times before you realized who they were.

"I'm...alright." You gave Vincent a small smile. "It hurts, but I'll be fine."

He sat down on the edge of your cot and gave you a relieved look, "I'm glad. After Mason's announcement and warning I was worried and came here right away. I'm glad it was only bruised ribs and nothing was broken."

You raised an eyebrow, "Announcement? Warning?"

"Oh...I guess you were asleep and didn't watch. Well, since Mason's the student council president he couldn't exactly ignore the fight, so he announced that the next person to talk about the rumor and/or confront you in some way would face suspension or expulsion."

Your eyes widened slightly, "Why would he do that?"

Vincent looked away, "Because he cares about you...I do too and neither of us want to see you hurt."

You crossed your arms, staring at the wall, "Care is not a word I would apply to Mason Northview."

He laughed softly and turned back to you, "No, neither would I but he insisted that was the case. Anyway, school ended twenty minutes ago. Xander had to argue with the school nurse to let you stay here until you woke up."

You looked around and noticed that the room was empty except for the two of you. "Why Xander?"

Vincent stood up and offered you a hand, "You don't know?"

You took it and shook your head. He pulled you up to your feet and stood there for a few moments to make sure you weren't in pain.

"Xander's mother is the leading doctor in unknown disease research and helped find the cure for the virus that went around a few years ago. She's well-known and respected in the medical field, so having the son of one of the greatest doctors asking a school nurse for a favor...she couldn't exactly refuse, could she?"

You felt bad, "You guys shouldn't have to use your parent's power for me. I would've been able to wake up and leave. It wouldn't have been a big deal."

Vincent glanced at you as the two of you stepped out into the hall, "Don't worry about it. It's not like it hasn't been done before."

"That's not the point." You sighed as the two of you made your way to the main entrance and lockers.

He smiled and left you to go get his things before he came back to your locker. You grabbed your backpack and slipped it over your shoulder, wincing slightly at the added weight.

"Do you want me to carry it?" Vincent asked, noticing your expression.

You shook your head and headed towards the exit, "I'll be fine. Plus you can't carry it all the way to my house. I'll have to take it eventually."

He stopped in the doorway, his face filled with concern, "Are you going to be fine alone? I feel like someone should be watching over you while you're injured."

You stopped and turned to look back at him, "I'll be fine, just-" You raised your eyebrows, "How did you know I was alone?"

Panic crossed Vincent's face as he looked away from you, "S-Sorry...I didn't mean to come across as weird or creepy. Mason...was talking about how your dad was leaving." He glanced at you worriedly.

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