Was It Worth It?: Story Pt. One

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     I was a child when everything fell apart for me. An innocent girl of only twelve when I was made to move to a place that was foreign to me. A small town in Southwestern Kansas is where I am from, where I ended up living, and where I will most likely die. My mom decided that we were better off in a different town than the one we were living in. So she took me and my little sister, Anne, and we take off to live with my other younger sister and her family.

     Living there with my younger sister, Jenna, her mother, Diane, and Jenna's two sisters. Jenna's step-dad was a truck driver and we rarely got to see him. The few times we did get to see him was when he was home for a week before he had to leave again. The aspect of Diane's husband being gone for almost a month bothered her, but he made good money trucking and wouldn't complain too much about it. 

     My mother enrolled me into school there and I didn't exactly make many friends. I did notice that the only people that wanted to be my friends where the weirdos and major freaks. There was one boy there that I did fancy. He was a year younger than I was at the time and oh was he sweet. Blonde hair adorned his head with sapphires for eyes. For such a young child at the time, he was quite handsome. His name was Lance. I also had eyes for another young man, a year older than me this time, whose name was Jared. He also had blonde hair with blue eyes and I found him equally has handsome as Lance. However, Jared preferred those cheerleader type girls and I never, not once, talked to Jared until years later. Between my two eyecatchers, I decided to go with Lance. He was the only joy in my life at the time.

     Finally, much to Diane's delight, Jenna's step-dad returned home after many weeks. He was glad to be home and made use of his time at home. When he saw me there he seemed to be even more happy. I wasn't sure why as I had never met him before. He had no idea who I was until Diane introduced us. 

"Miranda, Anne, Kayla, this is my husband, Alan," Diane says to us.

"Hey Alan," we say as we all take turns shaking his hand.

     The next day Alan asked Jenna and I if we wanted to go driving. Of course, by this point I had been learning to drive for two years now due to my mother being epileptic. We agreed to go along and drive for a little bit. I got to drive first since I was the oldest. I drive for a bit and then it's Jenna's turn. Alan gets in first and then had Jenna sit in his lap. I asked about it and all he said was that it was because she was shorter than me. Since Jenna was shorter than me at the time, it made sense.

     Another day, he asked us if we wanted to got with him to chop wood for the furnace that heated the trailer we lived in. We again agreed to go with him. Chopping wood sounded better than sitting at home doing nothing. Once we get to the tree that he was cutting down for wood, he grabs three chainsaws from the bed of his single cab pickup and hands one to each of us. Jenna starts up hers without a problem while Alan helps me start mine. We saw away for a couple of hours before we stop for a break. It was a nice autumn day out and we all decided to play a game: Truth or Dare.

     The game began like all games do.

     "Truth or Dare?" Jenna asks me.

     "Truth," I say.

     "Who do you have a crush on?" she says with a smirk. Like I said, it began like all games do. With innocent play and banter. It was soon Alan's turn.

     "Truth or Dare, Jenna?" he asked.

     "Dare," she says. He thought for a moment.

     "Alright. I dare you to run around the pickup without your shirt on." he says, a small glint of lust in his eyes. Jenna hesitated, took off her top, and ran around the pickup topless. It seemed weird for her step-dad to ask that of his daughter, but I went along with it anyway. It was my turn so I asked him to rev the chainsaw with his pants down. I thought it was only fair. Jenna went next then it was his turn again. This time what he asked was even more strange than the last one.

     "Okay girls, Truth or Dare?" Jenna and I exchange glances.

     "Dare," we say to him. He smiles wide.

     "I dare the both of you to run around this pickup without any shirts or bras on." Jenna and I look at each other uncomfortably. Shrugging our shoulders, we carefully took off or tops and bras and ran around the pickup. We get dressed again and resume chopping wood and never spoke about what happened.

     There were almost always terrible fights that ensued within the trailer. What usually happened was someone said something disrespectful or even slightly rude, a mean remark followed shortly, and then the fight gradually got bigger until someone walked away. Well, on one of these fights, I watched my mom get plastered with Diane. I loved my mom so I went over to her and tried to cuddle with her. She got upset at that and proceeded to shove me from her. I started yelling and then that lead to everyone else yelling. Alan intervened and took me out for a drive.

     It was a beautiful night out that night. Mad or not I couldn't help but look up at the stars in the night sky. Jenna's step-dad drove me out to the middle of nowhere and said to take out my anger any way I felt like I needed. So, I got out of the pickup, looked up at the sky, and screamed as loud and as hard as I could. Even though I was in the middle of nowhere, there was no echo. It sounded as if I yelled in a sound proof room. As I climb back into the pickup, he asks if I feel better. I smile and nod yes. With that we take back off to home.

     Another time it was Jenna and I that were fighting. This time instead of taking just one of us out for a drive to calm down, he took both of us. He said that we were going to talk it out and start getting along. We go with him and like last time, we took out our anger like we felt like we needed to. As we get back into the pickup, we talk it out and came to a simple solution. He told us he was proud of us and suggested that we pass some time and play a game; a game of Truth or Dare. 

     This game was a little bit different than the last one. Yeah we took of some clothing and ran around the pickup again, however, one of his dares was a bit more questionable. 

     "Truth or Dare," he asked.

     "Dare," we said. 

     "I dare you," he began, looking back and forth between us. "I dare you to suck my dick for a minute...each." Jenna and I glance at one another then back at him.

     "Thirty seconds," I tell him.

    "Forty-five," he says.


     This goes on for a little bit longer. I am able to change it from a minute to eight seconds. He stills seems happy that he is getting what he wants. Jenna and I carry out the dare. I can't speak for Jenna, but I know I felt very weird and dirty. 

     "You girls wanna see me play with my dick?" he asks looking at us up and down. Hesitantly, we nod. He plays with his penis until a bunch of white stuff came out of it and landed all over him and the roof of the pickup. He took us back home and again, we never spoke about it.

   The following day, Jenna and I were playing in the shed next to the house when Alan walked in. He walked up to us and congratulated us for the previous night. 

     "Good job last night, girls," he said to us, smiling. "You did a really good job last night. I liked it." He pulled us into a hug and then left. Jenna and I looked at one another again and sat in silence for awhile. Her and I agreed that we did not like any part of what happened last night. That night after dinner, I told my mom. I had to protect my sister. A large fight ensued and I was exiled from the rest of the house hold. My days were either spent in my room or outside in the snow and cold. Sometimes I would be with my boyfriend, Lance, but not as often as I would have liked. Not long after, I moved away to a city. Never did I see Alan again.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2019 ⏰

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