Looking Back

207 3 7

B/C = your birth color

1 year later Taehyung's PoV

I smiled and laughed as we all started talking about random stuff. "Taetae you know we should do," Said M/N shaking me. "We should get drunk, party, and go through text messages." I nodded thinking it was a good idea until I realized that it was my birthday.

"Suga and Jin will get the alcohol. Oh is it ok that everyone else joins?" I smiled. "Sure." After 15/20 minutes Jin and Yoongi came back with tons of alcohol and I mean tons. I faced palmed myself and shook my head.

All of a sudden I got CAKED (aka cake shoved in my face). I licked my lips, "Mmm Vanilla." I smirked and smeared a lot of it on Namjoon and we all just laughed.

After 1 hr. M/N's PoV

I was sitting on the couch in the main room of BigHit waiting for Ju. I started looking back at how all of this started. Looking through mine and Yoongi's texts. It still shocks me at how I started out as a model. Then started hanging out with BTS more and more. Became Yoongi's boyfriend went into Produce X 101 cheated on my king once then there was no more cheating and now I'm here 1 year later and waiting for Ju.

I sighed and leaned back for a few minutes. After awhile of me being absolutely bored Yoongi came out with Ju. "You are planning to do it today in public." How are going to deal with the fans, haters, and news people." Ju kept going on. Yoongi shut him up with a sigh. "I'll figure it out."

I did my handshake with Ju and us three left. "King, what are you doing today in public?" I asked Yoongi. "It's nothing baby I promise." I could tell he was nervous about something, but I didn't know what. All of us went to the mall, but by now Yoongi was shaking, sweating, and really scared that something bad might happen so I told him whatever it was it'll be ok.

He smiled and Juyoung came up behind us and said. "Five minutes untill 12. Are you sure about this Yoongi?" The second tallest nodded, dragged me to the middle of the mall, and took mine and his mouth mask, glasses, and hat off. After a bit of shaking he feel to one knee.

I had tears in my eyes. "L/N M/N you have impacted my life a lot. Made the "emotionless" Min Yoongi feel so many emotions such as love, jealously, and fear of losing a lover. I care so much about you and I want you to know that no matter what happens I want you next to me. Either breaking up, in the hospital, having our last heartbeat, or in our grave. I want and need you next to me. So I give everything I have every emotion I feel towards you and ask, will you marry me and become Min M/N?"

I was speechless, so all I did was pull him off the ground, kiss him and nod yes repeatedly. He put the B/C ring on my finger and kissed me again. He had his arms around my waist while my arms are around his neck. Pulling each other closer. "Forever and always I'll be yours."

If I'm being honest I have no idea of how to end this book so I had Yoongi propose. And M/N says yes. Love all you. Hope you have an amazing day.

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