Control Freak (Prologue)

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"...Yes, my lord. I will prepare our best fleet and venture towards the Star Belt Kingdom immediately," said one of the advisors to King Tiberius, leader and founder of the Icetritia Empire. Tiberius was... intimidating to say the least. The saber-like teeth protruding from his mouth could break many very strong materials. His navy blue and black striped fur sent chills down others' spines. The jewelry he wore was blinding to the point no one except those with the toughest eyes could look at him. And his eyes... his blazing orange eyes could send fear into the hearts of even the strongest creatures.

Tiberius's control over his empire was like that of a dictator, having an iron-grip on every planet and star system he claimed as his own. Many had lived in awful condition thanks to this, most living as slaves. Only very few got better jobs and even less got to be high class, rich citizens of the capital planet.

Though, he did have a few weakness... the fact that he's so stuck up in himself and expanding his controlling reach. He never paid attention to anyone or anything unless needed. Therefore, he didn't know about attacks until the last minute. He also wasn't very strategic, causing him to have to try again and again to take control over other planets. But, normally, Tiberius had enough ships and resources to take control.

But why did he want the Star Belt Kingdom? Well, Tiberius had thought that the beautiful and energy-packed star-like structures found there could be used as efficient fuel. But the peaceful inhabitants couldn't live without those structures. They were the light and energy source of the critters there.

"Yes, please do," Tiberius said in a singsong voice to his advisor. "Star Belt will be ours in no time~"

"Y-Yes, sire, right away," the advisor said and he hurried off to get the fleet.

They didn't realize the obstacle that would be in their way...

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