Venturing Out

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"Hah, I think we should head home," Torch said, somewhat exhausted from the time he had with his friends.

"Yeah," Astrid said, brushing a bit of the purple fur on her head out of her face. Although her parents said it was too long, she still didn't cut it. She liked it long. "Well, I'll see-"

Astrid was cut off by loud sirens coming from their home. There wasn't a message saying that the alarms were a drill. There was legitimate danger coming their way.

"We HAVE to get home, NOW!" Minty said over the loud sirens. "Otherwise we'll be in grave danger!"

Torch and Astrid both nodded and they ran home. But, they were a tad bit too late. The people of Star Belt had all gone into their homes, locking themselves away in fear of being injured, or worse, killed. Even the trio's parents locked themselves away in safety, despite the worry they had for their children. And it was law to keep the doors locked during dangerous times, even if someone meant no harm. That was for civilians to be on the safe side.

"Oh no.." Minty said in worry. "I think we have to go out there and see what's up."

"Minty!" Torch said in shock, clearly not thinking what Minty said was a good idea. "What if we get killed out there?! We're only kids! We're not soldiers or fighting aircraft pilots!"

"But, think it through, Torch," Minty said. "Since we're kids, the attackers might not kill us like they would adults. Maybe they'd just make us prisoners or something."

"Minty has a point," Astrid said, wanting to have a say in the conversation.

"That's true.." Torch said. "How about this? We can go and see what's going on and when the parents tell us what we were doing, we make up a story that we were just playing in the Field of Stars?"

"Sounds good," both Minty and Astrid said in unison.

"Let's get to one of the airships!" Torch exclaimed excitedly.

"If we can find one, haha!" Astrid joked, also quite excited about their journey.

They nodded and they ran off to where they thought they would find one. They successfully found one and with some difficulty, started one and flew it. Working together, they flew outside the borders of Star Belt and saw tons of fighting.

When they saw an enemy ship, a sense of fear and disbelief shot through them. The logo of a place they though didn't exist was on the side of one of the attacking ships.

It was the Icetritia Empire.

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