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february 14th. valentine's day. it's a day you'll never forget. it's the day you had anticipated for the past month. you were so excited to open your locker that it took you three tries because you kept messing up the combination.

when you finally got it open, you scrambled to find the letter. it was like you couldn't unfold it fast enough, your heart was beating out of your chest. but when you finally read it, it simply said:

dear y/n,

turn around.

your (not so secret now) admirer

you read the very brief letter over about three times because you could barely believe your eyes.

but then you turned around and...there he was. a boy with a bright smile, holding a single rose.

but he wasn't just any boy. he was one that you've seen goof around with his friends countless times in the hallways, the one that sat in a few of your classes, the one who you always thought was handsome but you were way too shy to even think about saying something. because he was the popular guy that every girl wanted. but apparently the only girl he wanted...was you.

he chuckled at your shocked expression, offering the rose to you. "happy valentine's day, y/n."

"i-it was you?" you finally managed to stutter out.

"yes, it was me." his cheeks started to turn pink at the confession but you still couldn't help but be in denial.

"prove it."

his smile grew wider at your skeptical tone. "do you have a pen and a piece of paper?"

you nodded, reaching into your still open locker and grabbing the two items from your backpack.

you handed them to him and, uncapping the pen with his teeth, he took mere seconds to scribble something down on the paper. then he handed everything back to you for inspection.

you could feel his eyes on you as you read the note he just wrote. it said:

dear y/n,

do you believe me now?


you were shocked when you instantly recognized the handwriting. you looked up at him to see him already looking at you with a knowing smile.

"it really is you.." you nearly whispered.

"i told you." he teased with a wink, nearly making your heart melt. "now i just have one question for you, y/n."

"w-what is it?"

"will you be my valentine?" he asked softly, extending the rose to you once again.

you smiled so hard that your cheeks hurt, finally accepting the rose. "yes, hongjoong. i would love to be your valentine."

secret admirer; kim hongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now