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january 14th. from the day you had gotten the last letter, you couldn't stop thinking. who is he?

you could be sitting in class with him, walking right past him in the hallway, maybe even talking to him and you wouldn't have known. the hints that he gave you didn't help much either. all you knew was that you wanted to know more.

so that's why you were so excited to open your locker that morning. and of course, you found a piece of paper folded into fours just like you expected. it said:

dear y/n,

i can't believe it's january already! this year is passing by so quickly, am i right? anyways, i hope you weren't hoping for more info about me because i can't give it to you. i'm sorry, i just can't risk it. but don't worry, i have something special up my sleeve. just be patient. hehe :P

your secret admirer

secret admirer; kim hongjoongOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora