Chapter 17

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The flight lasted little bit over an hour and a half . We landed at the Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport around 3:30 this afternoon . I called Megan to let her know we safely landed .

The phone rang about three times before she answered with a huge smile plastered across her face ," Hey mamas . I'm assuming y'all landed .

" We did . I miss you already ," I sighed .

" It's only a week babe and you can always call me when you feel lonely ."

I smiled ," I'll call you back when I get to the hotel ."

She nodded and smiled before hanging up . I looked around to see where my mother wandered off to . Leaving both , my bags and her bags with me . I went to my contacts to call her phone .

While calling her , there was a tap on my shoulder .

" Toya ?" I turned around to my high school friend , Mel .

" Hey," I smiled at him ," how are you ?" now embracing him for a hug .

" I've been fine . You're looking good ." His eyes scanned my body as he licked his lips .

" I'm doing fine as well ,"  I coughed getting his attention off of my body .

" You should let me take you out while you're in the city . "

" I won't be here long , I leave right back out tomorrow." I lied .

" Well let me take you out tonight . We've got some catching up to do ."

Well going out couldn't hurt anything .

"Ok . I'll text you a time . "

We exchanged numbers . He gave me a look . " I'll be sure to call you ," he smirked .

What the hell was he doing at the airport anyways ? Really wasn't my business so whatever . Before I could call my mother , I saw her walking back to where I was standing with a cheese danish and an espresso .

" Ma , really ?" I gave her an unamused look .

" I was hungry and them lil bitty ass peanuts on the plane wasn't doing shit for me ."

I rolled my eyes . I got a notification saying that our Uber was outside . We grabbed our bags exiting the busy airport . Some time later we arrived at the Royal Sonesta . My favorite hotel on Bourbon .

We exited the Uber , thanking our driver . I went to the front desk to check us in .

" Excuse me ?" I asked politely, " I have two rooms booked for Pete ."

I went into my purse to pull out my card . " I'm sorry , we have no reservations for Pete ." She looked away from her computer and at me . I shook my head in embarrassment . I was so used to using Megan's last name in Atlanta .

" I'm sorry , the correct name is Wright ." She nodded and began to look again .

" Oh , here we are . A two night stay correct ?"

I nodded sliding her my card . She swiped it and handed it back . She gave me two cards .

" You're both on the fourth floor." she smiled .

I nodded thanking her . I walked over to my mother handing her her key . Making my way to the elevator , I called Megan again . After what seemed like forever , she finally answered .

" Hey baby ," she said holding Reign on her hip .

" What y'all doing ?"

" We're about to go to SkyZone and then movies later ."

A Safe Haven (MegantheeStallionxToyaWright)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant