Paintbrush x Reader x Lightbulb

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🍪Oatmeal Rasin🍪

You and Lightbulb shared a grin, pelting pebbles at Paintbrush's window in hotel OJ.

With no response, you sighed. "Maybe they're asleep?"

Lightbulb rolled her eyes. "Oh please, Painty would never miss out in an opportunity to hang with us!" She bent over to pick up a huge rock. "Let's just use this one!"

You laughed, "are you crazy!? OJ would kill us if we broke a window."

Just as Lightbulb was about to answer, you hear a voice from above speak up, "I wouldn't even like it very much."

"Painty!" You and Lightbulb gasped at the same time.

They disappeared from the window and in a few minutes appeared from the main Hotel entrance.

Paintbrush was carrying something in their arms: a small bag of Oatmeal Rasin cookies.

Lightbulb's eyes widened in happiness, digging into the bag.

"I snagged them from the kitchen. I knew Lightbulb liked them, I didn't know about you, but go ahead if you'd like." They smiled.

You smiled back. Sure, it was hard without Painty in the game anymore, but these midnight rendezvous kept your love for each other to constantly grow.

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