The Party (Steve x Robin)

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"You look beautiful," said Steve when he picked up his girlfriend two blocks from her house. He had met her father once and he was prepared to bring out the rifle and shoot him so they had to be on the safe side. For neither Steve nor Robin wants him to stop in the back of their house.

"Thanks but I look like an alien," she said when she put on the seatbelt. But Steve thought she was wrong. She was beautiful... Hot. Fixed to her, he said she was beautiful because he didn't want her to knock to him.

No. You look good, "he said with his eyes on the road that he would rather look at her instead of on the road. Though he knew he couldn't sit and watch his girlfriend all night because if they were in an accident, they can't make out.

"Sure" she said but was not rather convinced one. She pulled in the short skirt over her thighs and hoped that it could help but pull up over her thighs and show as little skin as possible. She pulled up the blouse that was in a thin cloth that was enough to see through to know that she has a black bra on it. The car moved across the streets and they were quiet in the car until they stopped but for a house where drunken youngsters partied in.

"Do you really want to do this?" he asked her and put a hand on her almost bare thighs.

"No, I wanted to go see a movie but we have to" replied she with bored voice. It was Nancy who insisted that they would come to the party as Heather (a girl who had previously attended Hawkings High and now summer was working at the local pool as a bodyguard). Nancy had lent clothes to Robin who tried to use ' I have no clothes to wear ' the excuse. Though her clothes were too small for the curvaceous Robin of the stakes. Her breasts reign out of the blouse and tightened over the bust. The skirt was too tight and too short. But they are wise that Nancy would not give up if they did not come to the party. "I didn't know she partied so much," she said.

"I didn't know either," he said honestly. He didn't know that Nancy was so much of a party animal.


It is dancing girls in the middle of the floor and a group of young people who stood at a school with a trunk that is clearly impaled. Steve and Robin came in with their hands interlaced while Robin desperately tried to pull down the skirt over his thighs.

"You did it", Nancy exclaimed when she came against them with a red mug in her hand and Jonathan behind him "and the clothes sit well on you" she said and embraces Robin in a drunken hug.

"Sits a bit well" muttered Robin under her breath. She looked cute wen she is irritated. Steve thought. She is almost always sweet. Almost always in all cases. Not all the time, she can be really cute. Like when they are alone in her room late nights or when they watch TV. She can be really cute when it's just them two.

"Yes we came," Steve said to make up for his girl's somewhat unpleasant temper. Though she's always like this, "I'll have something to drink," she said, and followed with Nancy and Jonathan. But before she left him, she planted a kiss on his cheek. It was such little things that made him warm in the heart of Robin is not someone who shows his love openly. She likes it when it is only he and she who share their intimate moments. And she was simply not a social person.

They left Steve alone. He used to love such contexts. He used to live for parties and everything that happened on them but no longer. His time as King of the school was over. And he was no longer heard here. He is no longer a piece of shit that was drunk and lay with girls he barely knew the name of. He was happy now, happy for real. And he does not need any of them the lamps that danced on the tables with a red mug in his hand because he has Robin and she is all they are and more... Much more. She does so that he gets just hot in the body of just one glance. It's something unique about her that he can't forget. She is not forgetting. She is and remains a part of his heart. Hell, she owns his heart. But he couldn't stand like a fool when it was a feast. He used to control the fests that King did not stand beside.

Out there was chily but it was full of life, but despite the cold he saw something that got his whole body to boil. He could feel his cheeks incited and wondered if he looked like a tomato. But he doesn't have time to think, and before he realizes it, he's in front of them. It was Tommy T, Steve's former friend but he doesn't know if he has ever been able to call him a "friend", next to him was Billy who poured himself a whole kagge.

"Seems like we have a new keg King", Tommy exclaimed and the rest of the group behind them cheered and belaid their plastic mugs.

"Beat it, Harrington." Challenged Billy and pointed to Steve. He hated Billy with everything he has. But he must press again his anger for him. He doesn't have to get mad about this, it's just a silly party game. Trying to persuade himself but he can't deny that he lacks having girls who threw themselves after him and guys who wanted to be like him. But he has something that they will never have, he has Robin and she is world more than popularity.

But when he didn't tell anyone, Billy added "thought welding doesn't pour" and spat on the ground next to Steve. He was somewhat disgusted by the insulted Act. Billy pushed Steve into his shoulder as he walked by and got the whole group to follow his direction. He got dirty looks from those who used to be his friends and he wonders how he could ever have associated himself with such superficial and fake people. None of them are like Robin he thought.

Inside it was warmer and he couldn't do anything else the island to feel a little disappointed with himself. He puts himself at the nailed trunk that makes him think of Bullhit. Mug after mug with the sweet and gets the whole situation, his whole life to look different.

-High School was bullhit, collage is bullshit, my damn father is bullshit, everything is like... Bullshit-he screams in his head.

He drinks what is left of them sweet and in his mug before he stumbles through the room. All thoughts are blurred and the world seemed to spin like when they were drugged by Russians.

"You, Hargrove!" he cries out and Billy turns against him with his hand about a tall girl with black short hair that Steve thinks he might have been banging. But he is not sure. The whole room spins for him and barely knows what he is doing.

"And what do you want now? Want some pressure? "asks Billy and puts his hands on his hips.

"Maybe that, or I want to give you a game," he said, taking a step closer to Billy who stretched.

This was doomed to go bad and it knew Robin as soon as she stepped into the living room where she saw the two young men see each other challenging in the eyes like two beasts. She considered a while to let it continue so that the two of them can learn a lesson. But she does not, but goes with as definite steps as possible in those high heels and walked the mother centre of the room where they stood with a group of young people of their age around them.

She fought through the group of people around them until she came up to him. She pulled him back by pulling him in the arm.

"I think we should go now," she asked him, but he didn't even look at her, but kept her eye on Billy.

"I think you should listen to your little bitch before someone gets hurt, "Billy's words get the boiling knob to grow.

"Don't call her that," he defended her. No one may call her names. No one.

"Come on, we go home now" she said, and pulled him through the revelry people and out of the house. The cold pinked over them and her warm arm that led him away from trouble took away his wrath. All was not bullhit, anyway not she. Because with her at her side he was a king and she was his queen.

(1518 words)

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