You suck (Steve and Robin)

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Into the ice cream restaurant came a group of kids which was nothing unusual for Robin. Her job is to stand up to people's ridiculous orders and serve them. Keep customers happy and happy. When Robin accepted the job, she thought it would be easy earned money. But she saw the hope of a relaxed job over the summer as gone when she saw who it was who was her coworker. It was Steve f *** ing Harrington. The guy who made high school a hell of a treat for her and her other friends in the band. And not only had he made their lives a hell of a lot, but so many are also breathing. He and his so-called friends teased and bullied students at school. He was a real piece of shit. Her summer went from okay to "please kill me". But not only was he an idiot in school, he couldn't even handle the simplest of tasks or orders. Once she asked him if he could turn on the AC in the lunch room and he turned on the heat. But over time she began to secretly enjoy his company and his comments. And she was most surprised when a group of kids came in and asked to see Steve. And those kids were no different from any other kids. There were three boys followed by a girl with brilliant red hair. And it was probably her hair that made the group a little different from other kids. And it is the group of kids who arrive at the counter that Robin is behind. The tallest boy began to press the clock in front of Robin despite the sign that says: "Press the clock to call staff". And that boy does it even though she's standing there. Which annoys Robin.

"What is it?" she asks to make him quit. But instead he presses the clock again without saying a word. In fact, Robin can't remember one time when she can remember that one of the kids has even said a word to her. They never talked to her, they just talk to Steve. She wonders if Steve has talked shit about her with them."Dingus, your kids are here," she shouts at the lunch room. The window behind the counter opens and the well-known Steve Harrington's hair is visible."Serious? Again?" he asks even though he already knows the answer. He smuggles the kids in through the lunch room and through the corridors which are staff only so they can watch the movie being shown without having to pay for tickets. Steve knows it is wrong and immoral but for some reason he can't help but help them when they give him the sad face.After making sure they got into the movie theater safely, he goes back alone through the corridors to the lunch room where Robin sits. She reads a book while eating a banana.

"Dingus, it's your turn to serve," she said without looking at him but continuing to read."Is that really all you have to say?" he asks with his hands on his hips as if to prove a point.

 "Yes, I almost forgot, you suck," she still said with her nose buried in the book. He stands behind her chair and reaches over her head, taking the book away from her. She hadn't seen him come behind her so she was shocked when a couple of hands took her book. "I thought we agreed I didn't suck," he said, browsing uninterestedly through her book. realized what bad flirts you are separating and realized you were actually sucking, "she said, trying to take the book back from him. But he is taller than her which makes it hard.

"I thought you liked when I flirted," she said teasingly, poking her in the side as she reached for the book.

"You only get the book back if you admit," he added. She realizes that she probably needs to realize the truth. She likes when he tries to flirt, he's cute. But she doesn't like the feeling she gets in her chest when he used to flirt with other girls in the mall. Seeing him try to impress another girl who is not making her feel sick. And it's not fun.

 "Okay, fine. You're a sucker but you're my sucker" she said, caressing his cheek which had a little beard stubble that felt tight against her hand.

"That's my girl," he said, kissing her check and place the book on the table before going out to serve the customers. Robin picks up the book and continues to read from it.

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