push up's (Billy and Heather)

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Heather sits in the old sofa with the floral fabric. She sits bored after a day as a lifeguard at the local pool. The sun was going down outside the window and you can see the first star visible. Billy had said he was dad and his step mom was out of town with his step sister Max. He had been in a good mood all day at the pool to have the whole house to themselves. Heather had thought they would do something fun like watching a movie or just sitting and talking undisturbed. Usually, being home alone means having sex in the parents' bed. But that doesn't mean it to Heather and Billy. For them, their relationship has not yet progressed so far. Heather has grown up learning to save something for her wedding night which Billy thought sounded silly but he respected it. But instead of watching a movie or talking, Heather sits on the sofa watching Billy lift weights. She can't complain about the view she gets with his muscular arms in a wife's beater. But that's not where she thought the evening would be.

"Can't we watch a movie?" She asked, taking up control of the television.

"No, I'm busy," he said, starting to lift a few other weights that had been lying on the floor by the sofa.

"Yes I see. How much do they weigh?" she asks to start a conversation.

"Fifty kilos, I'll start off easy," he said without ending what he was doing.

"Impressive" she said.

"I know," he said, giving her a smirk without really looking at her.



... 99

... 100" he counted and threw the weights in the floor and gave away a victory roar.

"Why am I even here?" Heather thought with her face in her hands.

"What did you say?" Billy asks, taking a step toward her. She knew he would never hurt her, but she couldn't help but be scared by his threatening voice. She must have thought out loud.

"Nothing" she said quickly but he did not buy it.

"No seriously can you repeat yourself?"

"I'm sad, okay, you're doing your workout while I'm sitting here doing nothing. I might as well be home and do homework," she exclaimed, getting up from the couch.

"Of course, go home if you are so bored," he said, pointing to the front door.

"If you don't want me here, then," she said, and began to walk toward the door before she felt a large hand grasp her arm.

"Where do you think you should go then?" he asks her.


"But, baby. You know I want you here ... with me. You know I'm new to this with relationships," he said in a soft voice, the last being a whisper. And she knew he was new to this and did not understand tenderness because of his father's upbringing.

She turned to him and put a hand to his cheek. "I know," she whispered. His grip on her arm eased, but he didn't let go as if he was afraid she would run away from him. And that's what he was afraid of. He was afraid that she would run away as his mother did. Although he does not blame his mother for escaping but she should not have left him alone with his father, the man she escaped.

"Can't you help me with the training?" he asked her, kissing her hand on his cheek.

"How?" she asks confused.

"I will show you". He led her to an open area on the floor and laid her down on her back. He put his hands on each side of her head, he leaned down and face met face. He continued with the same movement and each time he gave her a small peck. This night might not have been so bad anyway, Heather thought, looking up dreamily as he hoisted herself over her and gave her another peck.

(For those who don't understand what he did at the end, it was push up's and each time he gave her a kiss.)


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