Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Tyler, for helping me write this and for getting me through the summer

Dipper and Mabel sat on the cashier desk in the Mystery Shack. Dipper looking through his book and Mabel, well, being Mabel.

Grunkle Stan came through the exit of the museum with customers behind him.

"Thank you for visiting the Mystery Shack ladies and gentelmen! Now give me your money by buying memorable, priceless, usless, items from the gift shop!" Stan said. The customers smiled and ran foward.

"Ugh!" moaned Wendy. "Now I have to stop reading my magizene to check all these people out." Dipper giggled at the way he took her sentence. "Hardy-har-har Dipper." Wendy said with a small smile. Mabel nudged Dipper's rib.


"That's good!" Mabel whispered.

"What are you talking about?"

"You know lover boy. Laughing at her little jokes. That's so cute!" she said, making him blush a little bit and rub the back of his neck.

"Ok! Bye everyone! Thank's for your money!" Stan yelled out the door as his last customer left. "Hey kids!" he said to his niece and nephew. "You wanna go swimming?"

"Swimming? OF CORSE I DO!" Mabel yelled with excitement.

"Umm, why? Aren't pool's too expensive' for you?" Dipper asked his uncle, and quoted.

"Well, yeah, but I'm taking you two to a special, exclusive, pool I found,er, heard of!"

"Come on Dipper!" Mabel urged. "Maybe it's a nice pool with one of those twisty-turny slides!"

"I doubt it." Dipper answered back.

"I do too!" Stan said. "Go get your swim stuff and let's go. Yay for family time!"

"Oi, not another one." Dipper muttered while rolling his eyes.

"Yaaaay!" Mabel cheered as she skipped to her room. Dipper just sighed and sulked along.

Gravity Falls: Pool ProblemsWhere stories live. Discover now