Chapter 3

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The twins gazed at the pool with disgust.

"Come on kids. It's this or cleaning toilets with Soos!"

Dipper raised his hand, "I'll go clean the toiltes!"

"Me too!" Mabel chimed in.

"No. Now go out there and have fun!" Stan said while gesturing towards the pool.

Stan set up three lawn chairs a bit away from the edge of the pool. The twins laid down their supplies. Mabel put on her goggles and Dipper held his. They walked to the edge of the pool. Mabel stuck a toe in.

"Hey, it's not bad at all! Kinna warm, but not gross" she started prepping to jump in. Dipper grabbed her arm.

"Eww! Don't! Do you really want to swim in this filth? It's disgusting!"

"Dipper, I hid in a dumpster earlier this summer. I think I'll be fine." Dipper was hesatant, but released his grasp. "Cannon ball!" she yelled as she jumped in the hole. A bit of the water splashed on Dipper's legs and he was grossed out. He walked back to his uncle, who was reading a magizine, and plopped on a chair.

"What's wrong?" Stan asked.

"What's wrong?! Look at this place! It looks like some giant came and threw up in a hole, and people just left it here and made an attraction!"

"What are you talking about? A little bit of germs makes you stronger. And besides, I paid a good five dollars for this place so you're gonna enjoy it! Just look at your sister!"

Mabel was floating on her back with a big smile across her face. "I feel like a mermaid!"

Dipper made a face, like someone called him adorable. Stan spoke again. "Now get in there and be a mermaid too! Hahahaha!" Stan taunted. Dipper stood up and mumbled that he'd, in fact, be a merman.

Dipper stuck a foot in the water. It was a nice temperature. Because the hole was about six feet deep all around, he had no other choice but to jump in. He put on his goggles, took a deep breath, held his nose, and splashed in. He came up and took a big inhale. "Ewww!"

Mabel swam over to him. "Haha! Don't be such a baby."

"I am not! I'm just concerned about-"



"Baby, baby, baaaby!" Mabel sang repeatedly while swimming in a circle around her brother. Dipper gave up.

He looked around the pool when when something caught his eye. Two eyes were squinting at him from across the water. Dipper whispered to Mabel, "Hey, did you see that?" and he pointed towards the eyes, but as soon as Mabel looked, they went under water.

"I don't see anything."

Then the eyes reappeared in a different spot. "There!" he pointed. But once again, he had failed.

"Dipper, if you're trying to scare me to get out of this pool, it's not going to work!"

"I'm not kidding! I saw something!"

"You also thought Norman was a zombie! You were WAY off!" she brushed him aside. "Whatever." and she swam away.

Dipper let out a sigh, and from the other end of the pool, he heard his sister shout, "Baby!"

Dipper felt bad Mabel distrusted him, but he knew he had seen something, so he dicided to confront the book. Hopefully before something ate up is sister, who was once again, swimming like a mermaid.

Gravity Falls: Pool ProblemsWhere stories live. Discover now