Chapter 5

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   Dipper walked into the little wooden bathroom hut and locked the door. There was a working toilet, sink, a paper towel dispenser, and a flickering light bulb. All the essentials a bathroom would need, except for the fact it looked like it haden't been cleaned in a million years. It smelt of rotting eggs, but Dipper held strong. He unrolled some toliet paper and placed it on the toliet seat and sat down. He flipped through the book. 

   His eyes searched for somehing maybe about the pool, water, narly-ness, anything that might explain about this eerie pool and that strange boy Mabel met. 

   Dipper looked and looked, and then he found a section about water creatures of all kinds. But none looked like little twelve year old boys. He turned a page. This one had info about "still unsure if they really exist" evil mermaids and mermen. Dipper thought Mabel might find that a bit interesting. But these mermaids didn't come with red hair and beautiful singing voices. They would lure people in and eventually devour their flesh and weld the bones for weapons and such. 

   "Gross." Dipper said. These mer-people almost looked like that display Stan had back at the mystery shack; pointy teeth, long nails, and green tails. 

   The one at the shack didn't have a face though, and Stan said that it was laying outside his door in that tank when he first made the Mystery Shack. What a welcoming present. 

   Dipper turned another page, and another, and another, but still nothing. When he was about to give up, he turned one more page and found it. 

   "The Gravity Falls pool." he read out loud. "This pool has been around for very a long time. Each day it's waters become even more filled with debry and filth. Do not attempt to swim in his water for more than an hour OR ELSE!" Dipper read from the book. "Or else what?" He wondered. Maybe the inhabitants turned into seaweed or something. Or maybe they lost their hair and only had one tooth and worked here for all eternity! He doubted that. 

   One thing was for sure, Dipper had to get Mabel out of that water soon, even if it's only been fifteen minuets. That little boy might want some help as well. 

   He headed out of the restroom and headed back towards the chairs. Stan had fallen asleep with the magizene on his face. He was snorring loudly. 

   Mabel and Rickey, who Dipper haden't met yet, were still swimming around. After placing the book in the bag, Dipper came up with a plan to lure the two kids out of the pool. 

   He ran up to the booth man. "Is it ok if I leave for just a little bit and come back? I need to get something for my sister." he explained. 

   The booth man slowly nodded and opened the gate. 

   "Thank you!" Dipper said for the man. "By the way, what's your name?" he asked. 

   The man made the sign for the letter E with his hand in sign-language. Being of intelligence, Dipper understood. 

   "Ok, thank you Mr. E." Dipper said. The man gestured out the gate and Dipper left for the nearest store.

Gravity Falls: Pool ProblemsWhere stories live. Discover now