Chapter 9

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   Dipper decided to take action. He hopped up once again. He was spotted. 

   "What are you doing?!" 

   "Saving my sister! She's not becoming your evil mermaid queen!" 

   "Sssilly boy. She hasss to!" 

   "No she doesn't!" and by this time, she was untied. They both jumped in the water and swam for their lives. Rickey dove in after them. Being a merman, he could talk underwater. "Get back here! We'll die with out you Mabel!" but the twins kept swimming. "Please! Ssstop!" they did not. They could see light shining through from the surface. They swam faster. "No! Mabel! I love-" and the twins shot out of the water, jumped to the land, and ran to their uncle who fell asleep once again. 

   "Grunkle Stan! Grunkle Stan!" Dipper yelled while shaking his uncle. 

   "Huh? What? Free? Hmm?" 

   "Can we leave? Please?" Mabel begged. 

   Stan looked at his watch. "Well, we've been here quite a while, and you two are turning into prunes." 

   The twins looked at their hands. Sure enough, they had wrinkly skin, that looked almost green. Had they gotten in the water any longer, the would be mer-creatures for sure. They looked back at the water. Rickey sat with his arms on the edge. He looked very angry and very scary. 

   Mabel felt bad for the little boy who swam here and was forced to stay here, but she did not want the same fate as him. 

   After packing up their belongings, the trio headed towards he gate. Mr. E. had a small smile on his face. Stan and Mabel thanked him and headed towards the car. Dipper stopped and talked to the man. 

   "So, did you know about Rickey?" he asked. Surprisingly, the man spoke. His voice old and raspy, yet understandable, and he did have teeth, but they were crooked. 

   "I did. Alas, I was not a girl nor have I ever been, so when I came here and met him, I was forced to be quiet and help him with his plan, or else he would eat me." the man shuddered at the thought. "Now that I'm not the only one who knows his little plan, I am free. This pool is closed forever!" he said. He pushed a button and the gate closed. He came out of the booth and set a chain with a lock over the entrance. "No one will get in now, and lucky for us, he can't get out." 

   "Wow! Crazy day huh?" Dipper said to the man. He just laughed and scruffed Dipper's hair. They thanked each other and parted ways. 

   In the car, there was little talk. As they pulled out of the lot, Mabel stated, "Ya know, maybe I should just give up on he whole boy thing. It never leads to anything good." 

   "But Mabel, with out your boy craziness, we wouldn't have any epic summer adventures! Isn't that why we were sent here anyways? To have fresh air and a good summer?" he said and smiled. 

   Mabel laughed. "Yeah, I guess you're right, but I am DONE with swimming for a loooong time." and they glanced out heir windows and sat silently until they reached the Shack. Dipper had to add a few things to his book, and Mabel might too. But first things first, he had to shower. He'd use Stan's shower and Mabel would use theirs. It would feel great to be rid of that filthy water and wrinkled fingers.

Gravity Falls: Pool ProblemsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant