Ironstrange parents

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Stephen smiled and hugged the two small boys as they ran into his arms. He and Tony had only been together for a short amount of time but he loved the kids and they loved him just as much. Soon, Tony had joined their little hug and their five year old children were giggling.

And 2 years later they adopted a small baby girl called Morgan. Harley and Peter were 7 at the time, so they enjoyed playing with her and helping Tony and Stephen with anything they could.

Harley was the first to find out about Peter's special abilities, and he was surprisingly good at helping him keep the secret. But when Morgan found out, only being 4, accidentally let it slip to Tony, who obviously told Stephen. Peter was glad they still let him patrol as Spider-Man, and obviously they had certain rules like being back after a certain time and making sure he told him when they go out, but Peter didn't mind that.

The whole family was protective of Morgan, but she hardly needed it. She was the kind of person who didn't take anyone's shit, she even stopped Flash bullying his brothers at one point. It was amazing.

Harley was the most like Tony, he barely slept and spent most time in the lab building things while blasting AC/DC with Tony. Peter also did a lot of lab work, but he actually slept. Since he had a certain time for patrolling, he was able to get in the right amount of sleep. But Harley lived purely on coffee and self-hate much like his father. When Tony tried to get him to sleep, he was just called a hypocrite, so he started trying to sleep a little more often than before just so Harley would. On weekdays he went to bed at 1 am at the very latest, on weekends he stayed up till 3. It made Harley laugh at his failed attempts to fix his sleeping schedule, since 1 and 3 am were not the best times, but when they got carried away with work (which happened a lot) it becomes impossible to stop and go to bed at a decent time.

And the entire family (including Tony) loved to pull pranks on Stephen, which often resulted in a full on prank war where Stephen would take Morgan and Harley on his side, which gave him an unfair advantage but he said it was fine since Peter has spidey-sense (or Peter tingle as Morgan and Tony called it). But Peter tried to argue that it didn't work on them since three weren't threats.

Their family was a bit strange (literally) but they didn't care and hey all loved eachother.

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