Chapter 1

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'I'm sorry, but, who is this? And how the hell do you know my name?'

'Look, Robin, we could go on and on with those foolish questions, but unfortunately there's no time for that. Let's get to the point.'

'How do you know my name?'

I'm starting to suspect something fishy going on. The caller says,

'How I know your name is not important. Don't you want to see your sister again?'

I start assuming that this is someone's sick idea of a prank. I'm about to but the phone down when the caller says,

'You don't want to do that sweetheart.'

I whip around so fast only to find, again, no one.

'Who are you?'

'The person who will hurt your sister if you don't listen to them.'

I run up to Maisie's room only to find it empty. I go around the rest of the apartment, same thing. No Maisie.

'What did you to her?' I ask, back in the living room.

'I see I have now caught your attention. Are you now willing to listen to what I have to say?

What the hell does this person want? I take a deep breath and nod. As if the caller knew I had just agreed, they goes on.

'Good,' The caller continues, 'I will not hurt your sister, as long as you co-operate with me. will come with a little price.'

'Name it.'

'How am I so sure I can put my trust in you?

No, I need to make you do...a couple...of tests first.'

Now, Test 1. I want to know how far you would go for your sister.'

Up to this point in our conversation, or, more accurately, his blackmailing me, I still do not know the caller's name Or how he knows mine. But for the sake of my sister, I decide to keep all these thoughts to myself.

'You will get a package tomorrow. After you receive it, wait for my instructions before you open it. Understood?


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