Chapter 5

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"What do you think that code could be?" I ask Andy when I get back to my room.

"It must be related to your past if he says you should know it," she replies.

I'm already going through my past at high speed; me working with the CIA, finding Maisie, running away-

"What?" Andy did not just suggest that.

Andy repeats herself, "I said that maybe you should try reaching Connor-"

"No," I sat up sharply. "I broke off with him for a reason, Andy. I'm not going to-"

Andy interrupted me. "Stop being so proud, Robin. You can't deny that he could be helpful-"

I laughed harshly.

"Exactly, Andy. Just was he helpful when he snitched on me. The very reason I was suspended from being on the field?"


"-was for my own good, I know. He told me that."

Andy was silent for a bit. When she spoke, she was quieter. "The CIA couldn't have you running away, Robin. They still needed you."

I was irritated now. What the hell did the CIA think know? Me, running away? Impossible. Then.

I clenched my jaw. But they didn't give me a chance, did they? Just believed what came out of that backstabber's mouth.

I took a deep breath. I needed some air.

I slipped off my bed and headed out to the balcony.

Andy can't seriously expect me to contact him, not after what he did...


"This is a terrible idea," he whispered to me, as I snuck through the hallway. When I got to the end, I turned and saw that he still hasn't moved. I motioned for him to hurry. He hesitated, then moved to join me. In front of us were two huge sliding doors, made with steel. There were glass panels at the top, and at the side there was a security card slot with a light bulb above it.

I looked at him and he sighed. He went towards the slot and slid a card through it. The light bulb flashed green after a split second, and the doors slid apart. I crouched and peeked through, looking around to make sure no one was in the room. I got up and went in, and he followed behind me, stopping to close the door behind us in another security card slot.

I knew what I came here for. I headed straight to a small computer system that was set up. I took out a picture and scanned it into the computer. The monitor showed that it was processing the image, then a match popped up.

My heartbeat accelerated and my breaths became shorter.

But they said-

"Can you hurry it up? I don't want to get caught in here," he said, peering over my shoulder. I didn't notice him come up to me.

"Y-Yeah. I'm on it," I said. His closeness made me blush and had me flustered. He seemed to be doing that more often recently.

I found out a whole lot of information on the image and I automatically memorised it. When I was satisifed, we left being sure to leave everything exactly as we found it.

4 days later...

"What do you mean I'm suspended from the field?"

"I told you. We need you behind the scenes-"


She held up her hand.

"This has already been voted and agreed upon. There is no room for discussion."

That said she got up and headed to the door.

I had just been pulled from target practice and told that I'm not to go on the filed anymore. My handler, Lin, is telling me that the CIA needs more people behind the scenes, and I'm going to be one of them.

Honestly, I wonder if she didn't do this herself, 'cause she's a true bitch.

Lin stopped at the doorway.

"Oh, and if you're wondering, your colleague is the one that tipped us off. I'd have found a way to do this myself of course, but his information made it easier. Ta ta," she said, and shut the door.


There is absolutely no way I'm working with him. I went downstairs and grabbed the keys to my car. I drove around town and bought some stuff as well. Getting back to my apartment, I opened the door and nearly dropped my stuff in shock.


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