Chapter 2

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I woke up this morning feeling sick to the bones. I run my hand through my hair, sighing, thinking of what happened yesterday. The anonymous call, Maisie's absence, none of it makes sense.

Who are they and how did they get our home number? I mean I know I've been hunted down since I went A.W.O.L., but I always kept under the radar, making it practically impossible...


I was 14 when they recruited me. The CIA said that they needed younger people now, as the older ones tended to arise suspicion easily nowdays as people aren't as stupid.

They said, 'Who would suspect a 14-year-old of working hand-in-hand with the CIA? Hmm?'

I didn't suspect a thing about it when they said that they were going to offer me a little 'job'. Little did I know that 'job' was to track down and stalk people, then murder them in cold blood, all the while making it look like an accident. I was lucky none of it could be traced back to me, unless the CIA decide that they didn't want me anymore, then all they would need to do was give the FBI an anonymous tip, then send me on a fake mission that would lead me straight to them.

I've seen this method being used on a couple of the people that I would sometimes work with, as they could send two or three of us on the same mission sometimes.

The method wasn't pretty, but it sure was effective. Just send someone on a so-called 'special' mission, and then lead them right to the FBI's trap. The worst part was you didn't know when they wanted to get rid of you. You just had to trust them blindly. And besides, they'd never deliver a mission in person, always sent a messenger. With time, I learnt to recognize who was part of the CIA or not.

I'd been in the foster system for as long as I could remember, switching foster homes at the drop of a hat. As far as I knew, I din't have parents, or if I did they didn't want me. But then I discovered that I wasn't alone in my family, unlike what I had been told. I had a twin sister, Maisie, which I found out around 17, already 3 years into the service. I wanted to find her as soon as I knew about her, but they told me it would be impossible, but I didn't care because one way or another, I'd get the info I needed.

They said they had no data on her, which striked me as weird, because, hey, this is the CIA we're talking about. They have data on everybody. So when they told me that,I knew instantly they were lying to me. Either because she had a dark secret, or because they din't want me to leave. I'm pretty sure it was the latter as I was their best agent, and I mean best.

And they must have figured out that I knew about their treachery too, because almost immediately, they began giving me inside missions. As in, I wasn't to go on the field anymore, just do some research and direct the agents on the field, as the must have figured, like I did, that I could easily make a run for it if I went out.

BIG mistake. I got info on Maisie, those liars, and then I snuck out one night. I used my experience to dodge security and get to the open, and then I made a run for it.

It took me a while, but I finally found her after about 7 months in hiding, and boy was she happy to find that she still had family. I was too.


It's been 2 years, and the thought of being tracked down again bothers me. I mean, I have experience in this field, but Maisie doesn't. They probably took her because of that, knowing full well that I'd do anything and everything in my power to keep her safe.

The screen in my room goes on. I have it there to inform me of anything suspicious, or if there is a breach to my privacy whatsoever. Like now.

"Robin, someone's coming."

Dialing...Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora