Chapter 6

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I walked through the door with a mocha in my hands.

"Hey, Cassie."

I ran into the kitchen and grabbed a tissue

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I ran into the kitchen and grabbed a tissue. Walking back into the living room, I faced the impostor.

Connor's POV

I was calmly sitting in one of the armchairs in the living room, when the door opened. I turned my head and saw her walk in. Cassie. I smiled and said,

"Hey, Cassie."

Her eyes went wide and she spit out her coffee. A mocha probably. She ran into the kitchen to clean it up, and when she came back, she looked fit to kill. Well, she was(is? I'm not sure) an assassin.

"What are you doing here?" She growled out.

"Look, I know you hate me..."

"And I have good reason to."

I sighed. "Can we just talk?"

She huffed, then strode over to an armchair and sat down, then waved her hand indicating for me to continue.

She's cute when she's mad.

"Cass-" she raised an eyebrow, "-I apologise for , um, selling you out-" she scowled hard at this, "but, you have to understand-"

"That it was for the best? That's what you all said, but I felt otherwise."

"Listen , I get that you were upset, and maybe still are, and I also understand if you never want to forgive me, but you have to hear me out in the least."

I saw the battle in her eyes, about whether or not to give in. She sighed.

"Fine. But it better be worth my time."

I smirked.

"The reason we didn't want you to find your sister was because she was involved in a huge crime ring. One of your cousins- yeah you have cousins. One of them is an international crime boss, the leader of this crime ring. We've been trying to bring them down for years-"

"Hold on. Is that the same crime ring we were trying to bring down while I was in service?" Cassie asked.

"The one and only. RBC. Your cousin had taken custody of Maisie, and according to our sources, he was planning on handing leadership over to her."

"Yeah, ok," Cassie still seemed distrustful and had her arms crossed, "but I still don't get how that involves me."

I leaned forward.

"Cass, chances were you'd find Maisie, and then she'd rope you into the business. An agent of your experience would be invaluable to them, don't you think?"

"Wow," she breathed, "Just wow. You guys have so little faith in me that you'd expect me to switch sides when given the chance."

She scoffed. "Classic."

"Cassie, you've completely misunder-"

"No, no, I've got it alright." Cassie pinched the bridge of her nose. She got up and walked upstairs. I guessed she was heading to her room.

"Serves me right for listening to you." I heard her mutter.

I groaned, leaning my head back on the armchair. "Is she always this difficult?"

"You get used to it," Andy replied.

Robin's(Cassie for those who forgot) POV

"So typical of them. Thinking I'm-"

Just then, my phone began ringing. I didn't even have to look at it, but I already had a good idea of who it could be. I sighed and picked up.

'What?' I asked, irritated.

"How's that code coming along?'

'What are you- Crap I completely forgot.'

'You. Forgot.'

'Hey, I have stuff to do ya know.'

'Hmm. What kind of stuff?'

'Do you see me asking what kind of stuff you do? No. Mind your business.'

'A little touchy today, I see.'

I gritted my teeth.

'Don't you have something to tell me?'

I heard some shifting on the other end.

'Yes, actually.'

Silence for about 10 seconds.

'Well?' I asked.

'Oh right. The first clue is above your head...'

Above my - Of course.

'You should have figured it out by now.' He chuckled. 'It was quite simple really.'

'I've figured it out, so?'

'That part's for you to find, sweetheart.'

I was about to hang up since there was nothing coming from the other end, when I heard something.

'This is ridiculous.'

I was confused. 'Come again?'

'Robin...who was that?'

'It wasn't you?'

'If it was would I be asking you right now? Come on, Robin.'

'I'm just as confused as you.'

Hold on. Connor's still in the house. I never heard him leave!

'Okay, look, psycho. I'm gonna go and find that clue-'

'Who. Was. That?'

'I told you. I have no idea. Bye.'

I quickly hang up, then I turned to leave, before changing my mind and chucking my phone on my bed for safety measures.

I hurried downstairs and found a very, intrigued, to say the least, Connor. He raised his eyebrow. I clenched my jaw and tried to address him in a civil manner.

"Thank you for bringing down a lot of trouble on me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2020 ⏰

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