I Fucking Hate You

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$ Maria's P.O.V. $

I turned around to my bedroom door to see my deadbeat-ass mother standing there .. I smirked and folded my arms ..

"Well, well, well, look who it is .. It's my mother .. Or should I say the most used whore in the city of Manhattan .." I scoffed ..

"Maria, sweetheart, is that any way to talk to your mom .?"she smiled deviously ..

"You aren't my mom .. You are the bitch who gave birth to me and shipped me and Nia and Steph off as soon as Nia was 16 .. She had to raise all of us, and that shit ain't easy .."

"At least you guys appreciate me now .."

I laughed, "Appreciate you .? We despise you .! Where is Nia and why the hell are you here anyway .?"

"She's downstairs with that boy Daniel .. And you are up in your room alone with a boy .? How is she raising you .?"

"She's raising me just fine .. I'm almost 18 and I can do what I want .! I remember plenty of nights when you were alone in your room with MY friends, who were boys .."

"Maria that's different .."

"How .?"

"I had to get money to help raise you girls .."

"Ha .! Raise us ?! We were always alone at home by ourselves .. Nia has been raising me since before she could walk .. And since when does screwing all of my guy friends and getting paid  for it make you a good mother .?"

"It doesn't bu-"

"Why are you here mother .?"

"I want to be a part of you guys lives again .. I want me, you, and your sisters to be able to sit down and talk about this .." she walked closer to me ..

I backed away into Jay's arms .. After all these years, she wanted to be a part of my life now .? Why .?

"I'm not talking about anything .. And I will marry Jay .. I love him, and unlike you, he loves me back .."

"Maria, you're too young to be married .."

"I'm also too young to be pregnant, but I am and I already love my child more than you have ever loved all 3 of us .."

"How could you screw your life up so bad and get pregnant .?"

"I didn't screw up my life .. And last time I recall, you had Nia at 14, me at 16, and Steph at 17 .. You were the whore who didn't know how to keep her legs closed .. I've been with Jay for 2 years, and before that, we were also friends for 2 years .."

"It doesn't matter .. You don't know what he is capable of .."

"He is capable of loving me and treating me like a princess .. He wouldn't dare harm the mother of his child .."

I turned back to Jay and held my hand out, "Put the ring on me .. I want to marry you .."

He smiled and slid the ring on my finger proudly .. I loved this man and no matter what anyone says I am going to marry him ..

"Maria, think about what you are doing .."

"I know what I am doing .! I'm giving my child the life I never had .. A life with a happy mother and father, who are married .."

"Maria I gave you a good life .."

"No you didn't .! Nia did .. You screwed ever boy I brought into the house and all the kids laughed at me, Nia, and Steph because our mother was the whore that every guy in school had fucked .! Then they thought we were like that .. While you were out whoring around a group of guys from our school came to the house .. They tried to rape us and Nia fought them all off .. Some guy followed me into the bathroom in 8th grade and tried to make me give him head .. When Steph was 10 some guys looked under her dress and told the entire male student body what kind of panties she had on .. Nia was 16 when a boy pinned her to the wall and tried to shove his hand up her skirt .! Our life has been nothing but hell because of you and we never thought that we would find boyfriends that love us .. Steph found Chresanto 5 months ago, Nia found Daniel a year ago when she went to college on a full ride scholarship, and I found Jay 2 years ago ..  And you are NOT going to stop me from marrying him just because I'm 'too young' .. I'm too young to have went through a lot of shit that I went through but I went through it and I will never ever forgive you for abandoning us .!" I cried into Jays shoulder ..

She stood there quietly and looked down ..

"Shay, baby, go downstairs and calm down .."

$ Jacob's P.O.V $

I walked Shay out of the door and sat on her bed .. Her mom looked at me and licked her lips ..

"So, you ever been with an older woman .?" she smiled ..

Oh god no .. Not her .. Ew ..

"Um, no .. And I don't plan on it .."

She walked over to me and started playing with the zipper on my pants .. I was about to yell for Shay when she stopped me and said,

"You say anything to my daughter and I will ruin your life .."

She pulled my pants down and I bit my lip .. I was not about to let her do this .. Not to me ..

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