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Adam wakes up with a cold sweat; he slowly lifts his head up and moans a little, he shouldn't have laid that way last night he thought to himself while holding his aching neck. The snow was falling lightly to the ground, no where as near as it was last night. It was freezing; Adam decided to get up off the sofa and go take a shower. He got half way up the stairs and saw from his window, a short yet broad figure walk past his window. Adam stopped and examined the guy; his hair was blonde, short and perfectly styled. Adam stared for while, just taking in his beauty. "Oh damn!" he said a bit too loudly. The guy heard Adam and looked up at the window and smiled at him, Adam quickly fell to the ground in embarrassment and crawled up the last few steps.

He reached the bathroom, turned the shower on and played some music from his iPod. Adam got undressed slowly while thinking of what he's going to do or even say to this guy if he ever bumped into him. Would I make it the most awkward thing ever? Do I like him? Does he like me? Of course he doesn't Adam, you've not even met, and all you did was die of embarrassment when he smiled at you.  He thought to himself.

Adam stepped into the shower while listening Katy Perry - Peacock every time he listened to that song, all he wanted to do was dance around like a crazy person but he knew if he done that in the shower, he would probably slip and crack his head. He soaked his hair before grabbing a shampoo that made his hair smell like strawberries and moved it all around his hair. As he was lathering himself, he felt a slight twitch. Oh god! I haven't even spoke to this guy and he's already got me doing this. Adam moved his hand further down his body to his waist and starts to massage his V line in circular motions which drove him insane.  Adam was getting harder and harder by the second, he thought if he imagined fucking that short guy up against the wall, it would help with his issue but instead it just made him even hornier. He ran his fingertip down his erection and teased the head, which was later then followed by a moan escaping from Adam’s mouth. He was about to explode any moment, he moved his hand up and down his shaft and a white substance beamed all over the shower door. Another moan left his lightly freckled lips and he stared at the door with a look on his face which could only read that he was pleased with himself for what had just happened, he felt like he was in a daze.

Adam quickly snapped back into reality and finished washing himself in the shower then stepped out and wrapped a towel around his waist, water dripping from his hair. He sat down on his bed for a moment and ran a brush through his luscious, jet black hair and let it fall down with his fringe over his eyes. He grabbed another towel and rubbed it on his hair making it damp. He got up and got dressed into white skinny jeans, a black v-neck t-shirt, a blazer and some black boots on. he stared at himself in the mirror making sure he looked presentable for when he speaks to the guy next door that he really likes (obviously. haha) once Adam was happy with what he was wearing, he then blow dried his hair and gelled it into a quiff and then sprayed it with a blue coloured hair spray. He put his aftershave on, Hugo Boss - Energise and headed downstairs.

Adam wasn't going anywhere with eating something. He can't speak to this guy that he didn’t even know the name of on an empty stomach and have it rumble every 5 minutes. No. Not happening. Just No.  So he got a bowl out of the cupboard and poured some Cheerio’s into it. Adam then walked over to the table and sat on the chair. He finished his cereal and went to the fridge for some orange juice but there wasn’t any in there, Adam sighed. He took his keys and ran to the corner shop. Adam strolled down the drinks aisle and reached up to the orange juice which wasn’t really that hard for him to do considering he was 6 ft. Adam turned round to go to the counter when suddenly he caught somebody at the end of the aisle looking confused…it was the guy Adam has a crush on but still doesn’t know his name. But that is going to change right here, right now. 

“Hey! You ok there?” Adam asked. “Umm, not really, little confused.”  The guy responded. “What’s up? Adam said, trying to keep himself together as he was talking to a guy with the cutest accent in the world, I couldn’t quite figure out where he was from though. “Well I can’t seem to find any lemonade, supposed to be having a party tomorrow.” The guy said with frustration.  “Oh well its right there” Adam pointed to the highest shelf in the fridge. “Probably why I didn’t see it, coz I’m so short” the guy chuckled “Thank You. I’m Sauli btw.” He held out his hand indicating Adam to shake it. Adam shook Sauli’s hand “I’m Adam…Adam Lambert” Sauli stared at Adam “What?” Adam asked with a slight worry. “Oh nothing….WAIT! Are you THE Adam Lambert?” he asked trying not to sound like a crazy OTT fan. Adam smiled and giggled a little bit “yes, yes I am”

“I’m sorry if I sound like a total idiot, being a fan and all. But I really love your new album TRESPASSING, it’s gotten me through some difficult times” Sauli said shyly.

Adam didn’t think Sauli was an idiot. In fact he thought it was adorable and he felt honoured that somebody actually listens to his music, whether it be to fight through tough times or to just shake their arse on a Friday night (not that I do that  >.<)

“No no, you don’t sound like an idiot at all, I think it’s sweet that you feel like you can escape the world by putting my album on. I make music to create a fun but yet deep and soulful atmosphere for my fans.” Adam smiled at Sauli and Sauli smiled back it wasn’t awkward for Adam to speak to Sauli, Adam felt like they have known each over for years and that he can talk to him and take it all in (listening…nothing else, dirty minds out there xD or is that just me? Haha)  they both stared at each over for a moment. Dayum! His eyes are like big blue pools of sparkles. (Cheesy, I know)  Adam glared deeply into them.

There was an awkward silence between the two…..

Adam coughed to break the tension “OH! Sorry I should have asked, do you want me to get the lemonade for you? You know coz of your height.” He winked then laughed at Sauli, playfully.  “Oh, haha. Yes please if you don’t mind?” Sauli answered, looking up at the shelf. “No problem at all.” Adam said back and smiled.  He took a bottle of lemonade from the shelf and placed it in Sauli’s hand “Thank you so much, im probably gonna have to use a ladder next time, can’t rely on you all the time” Sauli joked.  “Pleasure” Adam said.  “Erm hey, would you like to come over tomorrow? My family and some neighbours are going to be there, nothing too special.” Sauli asked.  Adam’s eyes widened. Did he just ask me out? Oh god Adam, stop being stupid! OMG do I say yes or…? “Su…sure…I’d love to come”.  Sauli’s face lit up with excitement “Awesome! Ok so it starts at 7 but I doubt anyone will be there dead on time so some around 7:15 – 7:30, ok?”  “ Alright, I’ll be there…oh should I bring anything like wine or…?” Adam held his excitement quite professionally “bring anything you want, wine would be good though” Sauli replied with a huge grin on his face “sure thing! Well I’ll see you tomorrow.” “Yeah, see you tomorrow” they shook hands and went to the counter to pay for their items then exited the corner shop and went their separate ways….

Hey! I hope this chapter is a lot better than the first one. The first one wasn’t much of a chapter I guess but im just trying it out. anyways if you like this, please stay with me. Haha, that sound funny...ok now that’s awkward…..ok..Im gonna go now and work on the third chapter. If it’s not up by Sunday next week, it will be sometime in the week: P thank you!

 i'm already writing the next chapter but if you have any ideas for me, feel free to comment them :) 

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