It's Time. part 1

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Im going to put this chapter in 2 parts. I figured since I’ve made you wait so long for this next chapter, I’ll thought it would be nice to post what I have and then post the other part later. Enjoy! (Hopefully) comment on what you like and dislike. Next chapter 5 will be posted a lot quicker (I have the idea already).

8:45 am. The stream of sun is shining through the curtains. Adam feels the cold breeze blow over his face and rolls over onto his stomach. “Erghh it’s way too early.” Adam groans into his pillow and tries to fall asleep again but fails.

He lifts himself up but still on the bed, looks towards the evil red light on his alarm clock. Thank god he didn’t set the alarm or he would have strangled somebody.  Adam finally finds the strength to get up out of his king sized bed and go downstairs to where his rug on the floor looks more comfortable at this particular moment in the morning.  He literally had no idea what he was doing, he took the milk out the fridge and when he was done with it, he put it in the washing machine instead of his clothes (personal experience)  walking towards the sofa “oh wait. Milk.” he laughed at himself for being so stupid and clueless in the mornings. He walked back to get the milk and put it back in its original place, then sat down on the sofa. Sits on the sofa staring at the floor, phone rings Adam gets up slowly and answers it “hello?”  A voice on the other end started to speak which sounded like he had a cold “hello sir, do you have a minute?” the voice asked.  Adam lies on the sofa “yeah sure, what does this involve may I ask?” trying to sound as awake as possible.  “Well we have some good news and some bad news but I will start with the bad news. The bad news is that you are in £3 million in debt and you will have to give up all the boots you have bought to repay the debt. Although the good news is that this is not your little brother trying to scare you half to death” the voice stopped and waited for Adam’s reply.  “Neil, you fucktard!! If thoughts could kill right now, I’ve mentally killed you 6 times already.” Adam yelled at Neil down the phone. Laughter was coming from the background “Oh so you think it’s funny ha?  I hope you and whoever that is with you go fall down a hole” he hung up the phone and put it on the coffee table.

10 am and Adam is still in the same position as he was when he got up.  “Get up lazy arse” Adam thought to himself.  He got up off the sofa and walked back up the stairs to have a shower. Adam spent 45 minutes in the shower just staring up at the shower head, letting the water fall on his face.

He finished in the shower, wrapped a towel around his waist and slumped on his bed. He stayed there for five minutes before going to his wardrobe. He put on a shirt and trousers, nothing too fancy because he will need to get ready to go to Sauli’s later on anyway.

Adam was bored, he spent an hour outside sitting by the pool and has the occasional swim but he was still bored as fuck! He decided to go watch TV but yet again that didn’t entertain him. The whole day he pretty much lounged about which he hated, he wanted to be out doing something but without anybody to call to go out with him, and he felt kind of lonely.  Adam wondered around the living room he knew he had to do something to kill the boredom but how? He stopped in his tracks and looked at the clock that seemed like it never moved every time he went to go check the time. He ran up the stairs, got changed into a pair of joggers and running shoes, ran back down and grabbed his earphones, phone and a pair of sunglasses. “Well I’ve gotta do something” he said out loud to an empty home. (Thank god the snow cleared up enough)

Adam was about 30 minutes into his run when he saw an open gate heading towards a rather large park, it was very quiet and weren’t any people around so he decided to go through the gate and run there. Adam started to feel tired and stopped at the nearest bench. The bench was freezing (the weather is responsible for that obviously) Adam shivered and hugged himself to try keep warm, when a head was bobbing from behind the trees, it was Sauli.

Sauli loved to run, he would run for hours on end if he could even in the snow. He was up since 7am just running in the forest and taking pictures of the lakes and wildlife when he saw a man sitting on a bench not too far away from where he was. He decided to slow down his pace to see who this person was because he believes that he’s seen him before. Sauli realises it’s Adam, does Adam run too? He thought to himself while he approached the taller man.  

“Ad…am….h...hey!”  Clearly out of breathe stopping on the path in front of him. Adam shot his head towards Sauli in surprise “oh hey Sauli I didn’t know you come round here.”  Acting as casual as possible. “Yeah, I run every morning and occasionally take some pictures; it helps clear my head you know?”  Adam stared at Sauli, watching a drop of sweat fall from his forehead before focusing back on what he said. “Erm yeah I know exactly what you mean. I don’t really get time to go running but when I do, I relax more, in a way” Adam smiled. He got up off the bench and took a step closer to Sauli “wanna go?” Adam didn’t really want to run anymore but he couldn’t just say that. “Haha you kidding? Im knackered! Come sit back down.” Sauli laughed as much as he could while still out of breath. They both sat down on the bench “oh thank god! I was hoping you would say that” Adam sighed with relief.  They both laughed “so how many times do you often run?” Sauli asked, looking Adam straight in the eyes (he never really appreciated how beautiful they were till now) “not very often but if I have a like a month off or so, I can run maybe 3 times a week.” Adam replied.  “Oh right. Cool, I haven’t seen you around this part before though” Sauli was getting into the conversation. “I just found where this place was, its really beautiful” the conversation went on for around half an hour before they started to make a move again. Sauli turned to Adam, “hey still coming tonight? I only ask because I don’t want to be stuck with some family members ive never even heard of and pretend like I do” he laughed hard. “Nahhh im just going to let you suffer!” Adam winked. Sauli pushed Adam to the side “hey! Now that’s not nice is it? Of course im still coming, I couldn’t let that happen to you. Anyways I love a good party”

Adam was dying inside; damn he had the biggest crush on this man.  Did he just stay sane while speaking to this incredible peace of nature? As cheesy as it sounds, he thinks that Sauli could be his one that he wants to marry in a black suit with spikes on the shoulders and maybe have 2 little kids by their sides.  He needs to stop thinking like this though. That’s year away, who knows if he will actually end up with this guy? Oh well, only time can tell.

“Good!” was the only word Sauli said and smiled. Adam and Sauli both walking down the path to the entrance they came from, laughing and talking about life and just things in general “I’ll see you tonight then? I’ve got to go anyways, you know, set up and everything?” Sauli went on.  Adam opened the gate for Sauli and let him pass first “of course. Want me to walk you back? Adam asked but stopped before he went any further with his words “oh im sorry, I didn’t mean to sound like those sappy teenagers, just trying to be polite and considering we live practically opposite, I thought it wouldn’t matter” Sauli laughed at Adam’s nervousness “you speak a lot when you’re nervous don’t you?” Adam didn’t know what to say, so he just hid his face. “It’s fine, honestly. Yes you can walk me home, it was very sweet of you to ask” kissing him on the cheek

They stop right in front of Sauli’s house, Adam is more nervous than when he first met Sauli, there is something about standing outside the house of someone you like, do you do anything or don’t you? You don’t want to scare them off, do they feel the same way? “Well guess this is it” Adam said looking at the house in front of him. “Yeah it sure is. I guess I’ll see you later on.” Sauli replied. Adam just went for it and gave Sauli a long hug Adam released his arms and they both smiled at each over. Adam watched him go inside the house, he sure knows how to work that walk, that’s for definite, Adam thought before turning around and walking back to his home.

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