Her Purpose

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I stare out of my window,

Looking at the world and its beauty,

Searching for someone,

Who could take my loneliness away,

Someone whom I could love with my heart.

Then one day, I saw a little girl,

Looking all innocent for this world,

She said I have no one here

Hearing her words made me sad,

Poor little girl, I thought.

But there was something about her,

Something that draws me to her,

I started taking care of her,

Treated her like someone special,

Teaching her everything that I knew.

Soon I figured, ah! She is the one,

The one that I have been searching for

She became my world, my daughter,

She grew up, and found her love,

And also found a new family.

She spent most of the time

With her newfound family,

But I was happy and satisfied,

Because she took my loneliness away.

Years flew by and there comes the day,

The day when I am to die,

But I am not sad, nor am I frustrated,

As I completed the purpose of my life,

The purpose of taking care of a little girl.

I was always lonely,

Searching for someone who could save me,

Save me from the days I felt lonely,

And that was when she appeared,

My beloved daughter.

I am happy now as I have completed the task,

The task of looking over my daughter,

Letting her find the love of her life,

Letting her experience the care,

The care which only a mother could provide her of.

I am grateful to her,

She arrived in my life suddenly,

But she took away my loneliness,

Gave me people to cherish,

Gave meaning to my life.

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