The Light

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Swallowed by the darkness,

Nothing can be seen,

But there is a light,

Not visible to others,

Guiding me to my destination.

The light is small, too small,

Almost invisible, but it guides;

Guides me step by step,

To where I want to be,

To where my life is.

The light is like hope to me,

Which once lost, will not be

Visible again to me.

If lost once, I will not be able

To find it again.

I am the one that creates

That light on my own.

If I give up halfway through,

Just for some rest at some point,

I might lose it.

If I continue without rest,

Overcoming all my hardships,

With determination to reach

The place that I want to,

Will I reach it?

Swallowed by the darkness

Nothing can be seen,

But there is a light,

Not visible to others,

Guiding me to my destination.

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