Past or Present

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I have always been afraid,

Afraid of being abandoned like before,

For this fear, I never mingle with someone,

Though I am free of the fear of being abandoned,

Is it worth it?

I do not mingle for fear of being left,

I do not care for people like I did before,

I reject anyone that talks to me,

I decided on this matter all on my own,

So why do I still feel lonely?

I finally understand what I have been doing,

I have been living in my past,

I am still in the past that haunts me,

The past when everyone abandoned me,

Will I ever be able to forget it?

I decided to make an effort,

An effort to once again have someone dear,

Someone dear to me, who would help me,

Tell me what is right and scold me when I do wrong,

But will I ever be able to overcome my fear?

I have found someone I love,

Someone who confessed that he is always with me,

He said that he would wait for me to open up,

Wait till I have the strength to say the truth to him,

But when will that time come?

He stayed as he promised,

He waited for two years for me to open up,

When I opened up to him, he didn't judge,

He didn't say that what I had been doing was stupid,

Instead, he promised to never leave me.

Just like he promised to me,

He never left me, was always patient with me,

No matter what I did, he stayed,

We soon decided to spend the rest of our lives together,

Now I think that I blessed to him.

I am glad that I didn't give up on myself,

I am glad that I didn't reject him like others,

I am glad I decided to open up to him,

I am glad that I decided to have someone like before,

Thanks to him, I could finally live in present and not in past.

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