Chapter One

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''Where is my sister?'' Lisa raised her voice and banged on the table.

''I don't know'' said the lady sitting in front, facing her.

''But you were a nurse there, you were her nurse'' Lisa exclaimed.

''Yes, maybe...that doesn't mean I know where your sister is'' the lady replied rudely.

Lisa gritted her teeth in anger, rolled her fist and got up from the chair when someone held her shoulders from behind to stop her. ''You cannot do that here Lisa, you're not a cop'' he said.

Lisa sighed, took her coat and strommed out of the room. She walked through the empty street, her heels giving out the only sound at the middle of the night. Her hands were cold, she rubbed them together to get some heat and wrapped the jacket more tightly around her body. Some dogs kept barking at a distance road which made her pace faster.

At last she reached her home, a small apartment in a small town of Greensburg, Kansas. She went inside and turned on the lights, the living room light flickered for sometime and then went off.

''Shit, this light is a pain'' she murmured as she dragged a stool from the corner, got up and fixed it herself. As she got down she saw a shadowy figure in the kitchen from the corner of her eyes. She quickly took out her stun gun from her bag and slowly stepped towards the kitchen. As the whole figure came into view, she put the stun gun down and sighed.

''What are you doing here?'' she asked.

''Why? Am I not allowed in my home'' Lisa's big brother June spoke up raising an eyebrow.

''Its not that, you said you have night duty...ugh!!! And here I thought I had the whole house for myself'' Lisa whined.

''Huh!!! Not gonna happen'' June smirked. ''By the way, where were you? Why are you coming home so late at night?'' He asked.

''Mr. Lee bought another witness, I went to talk with her'' Lisa said.

''Lisa, you know this isn't gonna help and its dangerous'' June said.

Lisa sat down at the dinning table and gave June a tough look. ''Dangerous how? I understand if you don't wanna find our sister, I'll do it myself and I won't even ask for your help but please do not stop me from trying at least''

''Do you even hear yourself?'' June said seriously, ''Of course I want to find Jean, no one will be as happy as me if she is here with us but I don't wanna loose you in the process. I've lost one sister and I am not gonna loose another, so yes, I'll stop you as your big brother, you understand me''

Lisa gave a long sigh ''Spirit Meadows Asylum'' She spoke.

''What?'' June asked getting confused.

''I want to go there myself'' Lisa said. ''I want a fake ID''

''What? June scoffed. ''I was talking to a wall all these time, great'' he spoke to himself, throwing his hands in the air. ''I can't even talk to you right now, dinner is ready, please eat and go to sleep, I've got work early in the morning'' June said and got ready to set the dinner table.

They both were quite while eating, Lisa kept glancing at June. She knew he was upset. He was too overprotective. After dinner June went to his room straight without a word. Lisa cleaned up the table, washed the dishes and went to her room as well. She went through all the witnesses she had talked to which reminded her of her sister. She took out her phone and played a video clip from last year, It was taken at Jean's birthday, where she was cutting a cake together with them. Silent tears rolled down from Lisa's eyes. She paused the video and looked at her sister. ''I'll find you sis, no matter where you are, so hold on a little longer please'' She whispered to herself, her throat getting dry. She kept her phone aside and tried to sleep but all kinds of thoughts came to her mind. Especially the thoughts about her sister's safety.

This is my first time posting here.
Sorry for grammatical mistakes but I will still try my best ...I am not great at writing stories so, there maybe be many mistakes please do comment and let me know so I can improve in the next chapters....


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