Chapter 7

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Meeting The Doctor
At dinner, Lisa saw an unfamiliar person in the dinning table. He didn't seemed like a patient. As soon as Lisa entered the room, the person came up to her and smiled ear to ear.

''Melissa, its so nice to finally meet you'' he said and shook her hand frantically.

Lisa smiled back and shook his hands, confused of the situation. She couldn't even recognize the person.

''Remember me?'' the person asked and waited for an answer. Lisa was more confused now, she kept quite, unsure of what to reply. She looked at Ryan for a hint but he turned his face away.

Lisa's hand kept sweating. She started to feel nervous. She had to say something.

Just then the person laughed out loud, surprising Lisa in the process.

''How could you remember, you were so small back then. Your father used to take you with us for fishing'' he laughed again.

Lisa got more scared. Does this person know the nurse that was suppose to work here in her place. She gave a faint smile, trying not to blow her cover.

''Come and sit with me'' the person took her with him and made her sit beside him in the dinning hall. ''You grew up so much, I almost couldn't recognized you. You look different too, But I guess faces change when you grow up right'' he gave out a laugh again. ''So, how is your father? He is alright now?''

Lisa's heart wouldn't stop throbbing continuously, she thought it would stop at any minute. Her hands kept sweating.

''He...Ugh...Is fi...Fine now, better than before'' Lisa quickly said making up an answer.

"Yes, I am sure he is in a better place, May he rest in peace. Good old Jared, he was such an amazing person. Always helped others whenever they needed it" he said and heaved a sigh.

Lisa got the hint that the person he was talking about isn't alive anymore. She got more scared. Her heart beating faster than before. If anymore questions comes her way, one wrong answer would blow everything away. She tried to be as quite as possible. Hopefully, the topic was changed quickly.

"How are you liking here so far? Any trouble?" he asked again.

"No...Everything is fine" Lisa smiled meekly.

She felt as if time had stopped. Everything was going so slow. She wanted to get this over as soon as possible. She had lost her appetite.

Fortunately, the doctor got up to leave. He went straight to the door under the stairs leading to the basement and ordered Eudora to bring him some food. Lisa got confused. Why would he want food when he just ate? Is he taking extra food with him incase he gets hungry at night. Without giving it much thought she excused herself to her own room as well. As she was noting down everything in her own dairy, she heard footsteps and whisper outside her door. She strained her ears to listen. She could make out the voice of Eudora but not the other person. The voices were very faint but still she could make out the conversation.

"Who should we send down?" one voice said.

"Take Frank, maybe" Eudora replied.

"No, he is already in shock from the last time, he hasn't spoken since " the other person said.

"Then take Clara'' Eudora said and the foot-steps faded away further into the hall.

Lisa called June and told him about what she had heard just now. She was confused, she had lots of questions, she knew something was going wrong here. Something is seriously wrong. The most mysterious thing was the door under the staircase. She wanted to go there and see for herself what's exactly the doctor does there all day.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jun 23, 2020 ⏰

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