Chapter 5

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Trapped Inside

The next day, Lisa woke up with a start when she heard laughter and giggling outside her door. She groaned and rolled over in her bed thinking she was still in her apartment. When reality hit her, she shot up from her bed and looked at the wall clock which hung on the dirty, stained wall.

It was 9 am.

''Shit'' She muttered under her breath and quickly got fresh.

As soon as she opened the door of her room, she was surprised to see a woman standing right at her door, giggling.

''How long she's been standing here'' Lisa thought.

The woman was holding a dirty  worn out teddy bear. She was wearing a hospital gown and had small cuts all over her hands and neck.

''Excuse me'' Lisa spoke to her but she just stood there, giggling and doing nothing.

A few minutes later, she leaned towards Lisa and whispered slowly, ''There's is something...Under...My...Bed''.

Lisa  didn't know what to say, she knows this place is different and the people here are different as well but she was confused. Confused about how to manage a job she has never done before. She doesn't knows the first thing about being a nurse. She tried her best to come up with an answer but failed.

''Mrs Fredrickson has dementia'' the same lady from last night spoke. ''She doesn't knows what she is talking about''.

Lisa looked at her thinking of an excuse to give about waking up late on her first day. But to her surprise, she didn't asked anything about it but casually said, ''You missed breakfast, now don't just stand there, take her to her own room, its at the end of the hallway'' She ordered.

Lisa quickly took Mrs. Fredrickson's hand and took her to her room walking the long hallway, still in her pyjamas.

''Can you please turn on some music?'' Mrs. Fredrickson requested.

Lisa looked around the room and saw an old radio at her bedside table. She turned it on and tried to find a channel but there was mostly just static.

''Stop, this is it'' Mrs. Fredrickson said and smiled.

''But...But its just static Mrs. Fredrickson, there is no song playing'' Lisa said.

''No, no, he speaks to me through this channel''

''Who does?'' Lisa asked but Mrs. Fredrickson stared out her window at the big oak tree in the lawn, lost in her own thoughts.

Lisa quitely left her room and closed the door. The static from the radio could still be heard from her room. She also heard Mrs. Fredrickson humming a tune and then giggling again.
'You missed breakfast' means 'You missed it for good'.
Lisa realised that after awhile when she got to the kitchen and found no food. She saw some fruits, took an apple and munched on it, looking out the kitchen window.

All the patients were outside, in the lawn. Some sitting down on the benches and some playing like they were kids, not more than 6 year old. As Lisa was looking at the patients, her eyes fell on Mrs. Fredrickson. She was just standing by the oak tree, with her teddy bear, looking right at Lisa.

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