Chapter 2

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*Freddie POV*

I woke up to the cries of Lyla. At least she slept through the night. Jim was still fast asleep. He was up in the middle of the night to feed the babies. I walked over to the pink room which was the nearest room to ours. The babies gave grown. They're whole of four months old. Katie(Kathleen) was sleeping through Lyla's cries as I ran to her.

"Hello my love, Papa is here", I said to Lyla who was giving me a toothless grin as I held her and rocked her and carried over her to the changing table that her Dad built for her and Katie.

I went on to change her diaper. 

"Phoebe! Jim! Could you come to the Pink Room!", I called out. Jim came running and stood by the door rubbing his eyes. Phoebe joined him. 

"What happened?", asked Phoebe, rushing to the baby and started laughing hysterically. I couldn't hold much longer, I started laughing too"

"Oh darling Jim! You put on a fresh diaper over the previous one instead of changing it"

Two Months later

*Jim's POV*

It was a usual Saturday afternoon when Roger came over with Debbie and the kids. We all were having lunch together. 

Rufus was busy playing peek-a-boo with Lyla, Roger was playing airplane with little Tigerlily and Freddie was playing with Katie with a few squeeze toys. They were all on in the family room. I joined Freddie.  

"Here kitten, you love the toy.", Freddie said to Katie who was laughing and took her in arms and gave her a kiss for which she laughed again. "Can you say Papa, kitten?", he said holding her and gave her a kiss and held at her arms length.

"Papa", said Katie. 

Freddie froze for a minute there. I was beaming with happiness.

"Did you hear that? She said Papa", said Freddie holding her and gave her a kiss.

"Aww! Our baby said her first words. Oh my God", I said my eyes welling up.

Freddie handed me the baby, "Oh Katie-girl, Dada is so proud of you!", I said giving her a kiss,"I have a feeling Lyla is gonna-"

"Dada!", Lyla said giggling

"Somebody get a camera! We need to take a picture", Freddie was screaming as he went over to cuddle with Lyla.

Phoebe came with the camera to get pictures of us with the babies.

5 Months Later

*Jim's POV*

Freddie has headed out to the studio for a band meeting and I finished up my day's work and went to family room to check on the girls who were playing with their Phoebe or Pheehee as they called it.

Katie was screaming, "Dada", as soon as I entered the room and Lyla joined in. I played with them for a while.  The cats loved the children and the kids love them too. The girls had started crawling already and one of us had to go after them all the time. Freddie had already done the baby-proofing, not by himself, but he had a guy come over and do it for us. 

So I left the girls on the mat before I went to kitchen to get some applesauce because both of them loved it. 

I almost dropped the bowl when I saw Lyla grabbing the end of the coffee table and stepping forward. 

I held out my arms to let her walk towards me, thankfully I held her before she lost balance. 

"Oh my baby girl! Dada is proud of you!", I said kissing the top of her head.

Since both of them almost said their first words in minutes difference, Phoebe was waiting for the moment with a camera but Katie was too tired with all the playing that I and Phoebe took them upstairs to lay them down for nap time.

Freddie popped into the room as I was about to leave the room.

"Guess what!", I asked Freddie.

"What?", he replied

"Lyla took her first steps today!!", I squealed

"She did NOT", Freddie said sadly, "I'm jealous of you. You got to see her first steps and I did no and you didn't call me up to tell me that. Get out of my face", he said walking into our room.

"Don't be such a baby, Freddie. Did you forget the fact that we have one more baby? She hasn't taken her first steps yet", I said holding his hand

"That's true"

......An hour later.....

I rushed upstairs hearing Freddie scream my name loudly.

"Shut up! The kids are na-", I said as I saw Katie who pulled herself up holding the crib and my lover grinning like a kid who just pulled off a successful prank.

"Yes my angel. Papa is proud of you, my kitten", took Katie out of her crib and rocked her for a while.

14 Months Later

Freddie's POV

Saturdays meant play dates for us. And that means lots of fun and music. Yes, my children started music already. Both of them sings "Mama", it's just adorable and Jim and I watch those home videos most of the time. They love the sound of the piano which I play for them and they haven't started dancing yet. But I think they are getting 'round it

This Saturday we had a play date at Roger's place. Jim and I packed up the baby stuff and took the babies and left for Rog's place.

Deaky  brought all his children or "Deaklings", what Rog calls them. Brian was out of station. And all four of Roger's kids were there and our munchkins.

Time passed so fast playing with the kids. Katie and Lyla was really friendly babies and never fussed about playing with their uncles or their kids. Even the kids loved them. 

"Papi, let's dance", said little Rufus.

Roger on hearing that set up his music player and turned the volume up so it was only audible but not too loud. The kids played with each other. Suddenly the song changed to something very familiar, "I'm in Love With My Car", the babies, Katie first and Lyla followed started bobbing their heads to the song.

I heard Roger falling on the floor laughing. And I said to myself, "You've got to be kidding me!", and started shaking my head smiling. The kids stopped and started giggling. Katie held out her tiny hand to me and said "Papa, jenz(dance)", and started dancing again.

That's all for this time, folks. Hope you guys enjoyed them as much as I did writing them. Leave your thoughts, feedbacks and suggestions in the comments and don't forget to vote.

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