A Day In The Life

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Lyla's POV

"To bed. Both of you", Dad said. The time was around 9 p.m. and we were supposed to be upstairs in bed right about now but we were playing with the cats without realizing the time. 

"Dad, its Friday night and Papa isn't even home to kiss us goodnight.", Katie said.

"Nice try.", said Dad, "Bed. Now."

"Just five more minute. Please Dad", I asked.

"Go up now or no phones for the weekend", Dad said

"I don't know about you, Katie but I'm going up.", I said to Katie and kissed Dad, "Goodnight Dad" and ran upstairs. "Wait for me", said Katie said after hugging Dad and came upstairs running. 

"You were supposed to wait for me", Katie screamed. "Keep it down.", I said, "We don't know need to go to sleep right away. We can stay up if we want as long as we keep quiet." "Yay! Let's do that. But what would we do?", Katie asked. "We can read comics or watch a movie on the computer!"., I said waving towards the computer.

We decided to watch a concert of Papa's which was on CD, Rock Montreal. We loved that concert.

We were fully absorbed in the concert that we startled when the door opened.

"What are you guys doing up at this hour?", Papa said walking into the room looking at the computer screen. "Ah, you guys are watching us. Haven't you watched it a hundred times already?", he said turning to us, "It's way past bedtime. So switch it off and go to sleep or I'm gonna have Phoebe put this thing in the white room first thing in the morning. C'mon under the covers now.", said Papa to us with his arms crossed. And with that me and Katie jumped under the covers. "Goodnight darlings. Papa loves you", said Papa switching the lights off. "We love you too", I and Katie said in unison.

Narrator's POV:

Freddie and Jim was having their morning cup of tea in the kitchen when their 11 year old, Katie, came down. "Good morning, lovie", said Freddie as she gave Freddie a hug, "Morning Papa" and walked over to hug her Dad, "Good morning, Dad". "You are up early today morning", said Jim returning the hug.  They hear the sound of the stereo and Freddie says, "Lyla's up too. Well since we are early today. Why don't we all go out for breakfast? What do you say, Jim?" "Let's get going.", replied Jim and turned to Katie, "Get your sister and get ready. We leave in 20". With that, Katie went up.

The day was beautiful, with the weather just fine and the drive was quite nice until the girls and Freddie started fighting over the music. "I called it first", Lyla said. "Na-uh, I called it first", argued Katie. "No! I'm your dad so I get to decide", Freddie said. "I have three children. Oh my god! For heaven's sake", said Jim turning off the radio. "Hey!", said Freddie and the girls in unison. "No more radio for the trip", said Jim driving. 


"Guess who?", said John covering Lyla's eyes from behind. "Uncle John!", squealed Katie. "How are you doing? I haven't seen you both in a long time. In fact, I have been asking Freddie to bring you guys to the studio", said John to the kids. "No, it's not on me. Work is already chaotic as it is and the kids would be bored.", said Freddie. "Nonsense! You all are coming to Roger's today for Lola's birthday?", asked John. "Yes we are.", said Jim. "Well I better get going", said John holding up his takeaway bag, "Bye girls! See you soon".

 A few hours later..   

The party was already in full swing when the Mercury household showed up. The kids were all out in the courtyard. Roger hired a clown to entertain the kids. The mum's and other ladies were all chatting away in the corner while all the dads and other gentlemen were deep in conversation when Freddie and Jim walked behind the girls bearing gifts for baby Lola.

Roger was the first to spot the kids and kneeled down to greet them. The kids loved their uncle Rog. He was the one who visited them more often other than John. Roger was the one who knew how to keep them away from disturbing their Papa whenever they were brought to the studio and everything after all. "Hello ladies!", he said pulling them into a hug. "Where's baby?", Katie asked. "She's in the courtyard with the other kids. Why don't I take you both there? Sound good?", asked Roger. "Yes, uncle Roger", Lyla replied nodding. "Uncle John doesn't get to say Hello, huh?", said John from behind making a sad face. "What do you know I'm their fav uncle?", Roger said. "Unacceptable", said John said kneeling down on one knee, "Come here, you both", said John opening his arms. The girls hugged their uncle John and left the room to the courtyard with Roger to see baby Lola. "How fast are they growing up?", said Freddie to John. "You tell me.", replied John, "It's seems like yesterday that Robert was born. But what can we say. They grow wayy too fast.", said John and walked away

"Would I be a bad guy if I wish they stayed like this forever. Like our little babies", said Freddie to Jim holding his hands. "You're already, Mr. Bad Guy", said Jim laughing, "But, no, I wish the same. They are the best thing that ever happened to us. Even though they are mischievous at times.", Jim added.

Freddie felt his phone buzzing and said, "Oh It's Mary. I wonder what happened." and attended the phone call. "Hello dear..... Slow down..... Okay I will put on the news..... Okay okay, goodbye Darling", said Freddie hanging up the phone. "What was that about?", asked a curious Jim. "I am not sure, darling, she was talking a bit too fast. She wants me to watch the news it seems.", said Freddie to Jim. "Debbie darling, could you put on the news", asked Debbie who was just carrying baby Lola around. "Of course, Freddie.", she said leading to the TV room.

"Oh My God!", said Freddie and Jim in unison watching the news headline.

To be continued...

Author's Note: Hey guys! I just like to say thanks to all of you for reading this and for the patience in waiting for a new part. I don't know when the next part will be up. But I'd like to say the next would be the last of this book. I hope you enjoyed this far!

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