I Do...

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"Oh My God", exclaimed Freddie repeatedly watching the headline

"SAME-SEX MARRIAGE LEGALIZED" said the headline as reporters discussed about the law being passed in the country.

Freddie hugged Jim so tight as if he was clutching onto dear life. Both of them tearing up at the fact that they could finally proclaim their love for each other in front of the whole world.

"This is the best day of my life, Jim, darling", Freddie said. "I just hope the kids didn't hear you out.", said John walking into the room, "I'm so happy for you, Freddie", he said hugging Freddie, "and you, Jim", hugging Jim.

"Thank you, John", said Jim. Freddie was speechless still. "Can you give us a moment?", said Jim said to John and Debbie who were still in the room. "Oh yes of course!", said Debbie walking out of the room with baby Lola followed by John who closed the door.

Jim took off the ring on his finger and went down on one knee. Freddie was caught off guard which he usually didn't like but here he was overjoyed by the fact that his long-time boyfriend was right in front of him, on his knees holding a ring.

"Freddie, you and our kids are the best thing that ever happened to me. You have surprised me at every turn of the relationship, so I've decided it's my turn to surprise you now. You are the love of my life, the partner in-crime, my rock, my person, my everything in the whole wide world. Will you do me the honor of being my husband?", said Jim with his eyes welled up.

"Oh my God! Yes darling. I would absolutely become your husband", said Freddie crying right now just like Jim. Jim put on the ring to Freddie's ring finger and kissed Freddie. "We're engaged! WE'RE ENGAGED!", said Freddie jumping on Jim. "We've got to tell everyone.", said Freddie as excited as ever. "Oh honey. We will tell everyone as soon as little baby Lola's birthday cake is cut. Ok?", said Jim. "Alright! Let's go then", said Freddie.

Jim was actually pretty surprised to know that Freddie could keep all the excitement. The cake was cut immediately afterwards and the everybody set off to the patio where the food and drinks were served and the kids played in the patio lawn by the pool. Jim pulled Freddie to a side and said, "I think it will only be fair, if we told our kids first before let the others know, don't you think?" "Well I think we should tell them too. I'll go get them, darling.", said Freddie patting on Jim's upper arm.

Jim went off to retrieve 2 glasses of champagne served when Freddie approached holding the kids by their hands into the living room which was completely ghosted at the moment. "You two having fun, my loves", asked Jim. "Yes daddy! So much fun", said Lyla and Kate nodded happily, she was always the quietest of the twins. "Papa and I have to tell you a little secret, love.", said Jim. "What is it, Dad? Are we going with Papa for the tour?", asked Lyla. "No Lyla, we have school, remember?", said Katie. "Who cares about school?", said Lyla. "Girls! Girls!", said Jim getting in between, "One drama queen is enough for the lot of us." 'That's a mean thing to say about your husband to-be", said Freddie. "OH MY GOD", said the twins in unison. "Our dads are getting married! Oh my god! Oh my god!", said Lyla to Kate and hugged each other. "So much for letting them know together", said Jim giving Freddie a look. "Well I can't stop talking about it now, can I?", Freddie replied and turned to the girls, "Alright kids.  Now we are going to let the others know. Okay?" "Papa, you gotta let us in for whatever the surprise is. Right Kate?", Lyla asked Kate. Kate nodded. "We have no surprise planned, my love. If there was one, I'd obviously be including my froggies in the plan. Now let's go tell the others."

"You guys have been in there for sometime. And Freddie has been quiet for an awfully long time which is very unusual. Everything ok?", asked Roger who saw them come out. "Oh its nothing to worry, Rog.", Freddie said as the rest of them went to the patio. "Come let's get a drink.", said Roger. "Let's. After I make a not-so-tiny-announcement.", said Freddie. "Are you quitting the band?", asked a shocked Roger. "Who's quitting?", said Brian from behind. "Did I just hear about quitting the band? Excuse me! I'm a part of the band too', said John emerging from out of nowhere. "I am not quitting the band. Please stop being such a drama queen, Roger.", said Freddie. "Then what is the announcement?",  asked Roger. "You all will know if you hold on for a minute or three.", said Freddie walking through the crowd. 

The clinking of the fork against the champagne flute turned the attention to Freddie. "Jim and I have an announcement to make.", said Freddie. "It's with so much happiness and we've been waiting for sometime, a few years precisely, to do this now. Without further ado, might I announce that Jim and I are engaged!", said Freddie ending the oh-so-short speech. The crowd cheered to the couple and congratulated them for the rest of the party.

By the time, Freddie, Jim and the kids were leaving. Freddie went over to Roger who was now sitting and watching the kids play. "Do you think she'll remember us stealing her thunder?", Freddie asked Roger. "Oh she definitely will. She's gonna be awfully mad at you for stealing the show on her 2nd birthday.", said Roger sarcastically. "Have I ever told you that sarcasm is actually not your tone?", said Freddie. "Really Freddie?", said Roger. "I need to ask you something. It's too early and we haven't started planning the wedding officially yet. Will you be my Best Man?", asked Freddie. "Oh my gosh. Yes. Yes. I will be honoured to be your best man!", said Roger hugging Freddie. 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2021 ⏰

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