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WHEN THE LIMOUSINE ARRIVED AT THE BENEFIT, Gavin handed the driver a crisp one-hundred dollar bill to thank him. As he turned towards Camilla and Dani, he flashed them a smile, resting his hands on his hips as he offered an elbow to each girl.

"Well thank you kind sir," Camilla joked, curtsying as she fumbled to hold up the side of her bodycon dress.

"It would be my pleasure, Ms. Cruz," Gavin mocked back.

The girls hooked their arms into Gavin's, following his sister and her date as they walked through the grand entryway; two brown wooden doors, engraved in metallic swirls. Gavin's sister was beautiful, almost a mirror image of her brother. She had the same vibrant strawberry blonde hair, a pale complexion scattered in freckles and her eyes were a striking blue-grey. Her hair hit the smallest part of her waist, it naturally curled and clung to her body. She was short, just hitting 5'2, but Dani could tell how tenacious she was just by the way she walked.

"Ginny," Gavin inquired, catching the attention of his sister as she turned to look at him. Her lips pressed together curtly. "Are our parents here yet?"

"I believe so." She threw Gavin a narrowed look. "Is there a problem?"

"No, not at all," Gavin cleared his throat before glancing over to Camilla. Guinivere was the heir to their father's company and it was her first appearance as an employee; she needed everything to go perfect tonight and Gavin knew that. Lowering his voice, he whispered, "If it's okay with you guys, I'll take you to our table before we go talk with the 'rents."

"It's okay," Camilla smiled at him, nodding her head in approval. She looked around the museum's first floor, shocked by how indistinguishable it looked. Most of the exhibits were pushed to the side, excluding the giant mammoth statue that stood in the middle of the room. There were twinkling purple lights dangling from the ceiling, the walls and even the mammoths tusks.

Round tables were sprawled out around the empty space, dressed in white tablecloths. An assortment of purple and white flowers hung over the thin, long vases they were placed in. People were sitting at their tables, drinking from various shapes of wine glasses and other stood in groups as they admired the art and exhibits.

"It's beautiful," Camilla whispered, "I've never seen the museum this clean before."

"Or bright," Denali added. She enjoyed the museum during the day but looking at it in this setting was something she'd never expect to see before. It was breathtaking.

Gavin brought them to a table near the center of the room. In front of the centerpiece was a white place card that read G&G Hastings. "My parents are over towards the front," he informed, clearing his throat. "I won't be long, I promise."

"Okay," Camilla flashed him a smile. "Are all the floors available for viewing?" she asked. The girls could see people on the second layer of the open atrium staring down at the first floor.

"Yes they are," Gavin swiftly answered. "Will you wait for me?"

"Of course," she nodded.

Denali sat down in one of the chairs, taking a sip of the ice water in front of her. She was feeling unusually parched and her feet were already starting to ache from standing in the heels. Camilla went to sit down in the chair next to her, but before she could, Gavin grabbed it out from under the table as he waved his hand towards it. She sat down promptly, thanking him as he pushed her chair in.

"I'll be back in a few," he piped, following his sister as they made their way over to the front of the room.

Guinevere's date sat across the table, typing away on his phone vigorously. He looked serious, as if he were arguing with someone on the other end.

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