39- "What's best for us?"

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Please don't kill me after this chapter...                                                           


Bright sun rays blurred my vision as I flickered my eyes. It took a moment before my eyes adjusted to the bright sunlight and I woke up only to find an empty space next to me.

Funny.... Don't tell me last night was a dream?

I moved my head everywhere around the room but it was empty as always.

This can't be happening. 

I fell back on my pillow, dreading at the thought. But it felt so real. I was getting ready to wallow myself in depression when I heard my bathroom door open and a huge smile formed on my lips.

"Gosh! You really scared me. I thought last night never happened and it was just me getting psychotic." I heaved a sigh of relief and sat up. 

Ayu looked breathtakingly sexy wearing my white shirt and her panties underneath. Her hair was a little damped while her face still held that morning glow. 

"Oh! I didn't knew 'Jamie the player' has it in him to be psychotic. The world must surely be ending." she teased while pin-pointing her two fingers with both of her hands in mid air. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh I almost forgot." Ayu said suddenly remembering something and starting rummaging through her hand bag. She took out a small rectangle like gift box and handed it out to me. I exchanged glances between her and the gift, confused.

"Don't tell me... seriously Jamie, don't you remember?" She frowned.

"Remember what?" I asked still confused and that's when my mind clicked. Today was 12th November. "But wasn't it yesterday?" I asked.

"Doesn't really matter anyway. So... are you going to open that or not?" She pointed her finger towards the gift I was holding.

I said yes and went on to open the gift. It was a rectangular box as suspected. I opened it and felt the smooth cloth in my hands.

"It's beautiful. I love it."


"Absolutely.... Happy anniversary to us." I declared while clapping my hands. It was a copper colored tie with black and light gray strip lines. That was really considerate of her. Honestly, I find it a little weird to be celebrating things like anniversaries but I just go along with it for her sake.

"I'll take that as a compliment." She smiled and leaned over to kiss me. I readily responded by sucking down her lips while placing my hand on the side of her face to avoid her hair from falling in front. She then sat on my lap to make herself comfortable. I circled my arms around her waist and we shared a short smile before kissing again. We were quite busy in exploring our mouths when a knock on my door interrupted it and we froze.

"Good morning son. Its time to get up." I heard my father yelling at the other side of the door and all the color drained down from our faces. Especially Ayu.

"Oh fuck!" My eyes grew wide and I instantly shouted "I'm awake Dad. No need to come here, I'll be there downstairs." I reassured him and Ayu gave a thumbs up sign.

"You'd think I'll buy that. Why did you lock the door? Being quite stubborn, are you? You know I have the keys to your room, right?" He said in a stern voice and I heard a faint sound of the key being pushed in the knob.

"No way!" Ayu whisper shouted and hid herself in the bed sheets. She looked terribly nervous. I couldn't really go and show myself to Dad right now since I was only in my UG. Why the hell does my Dad has to be this persistent every single time?

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