5 | i ' m s o r r y

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max was brought out her thoughts when lucas brought his head up and was staring at her with a look she recognized. the song was playing like normal, but in a moment like this it's supposed to slow as she 'savors' the moment. her heart was thumping a million beats per minute as lucas kept leaning in, closer and closer to her face; not in a cute way. most likely her heart trying to scream at her to get the message across that this, this was so wrong and that if max knew any better, she would put an end to it as soon as possible.

max thought if she imagined lucas as mike, all would be okay and it could be a small petty kiss, she hesitated to lean in at first but slowly made her way too.

watching this take place was mike, furious over the scene that playing in front of him. he so wanted to be lucas right now. but he was stuck with jane/eleven. he turned his head away, ashamed of his feelings. he should love his girlfriend and hate her enemy.

what he didn't see was that in an outburst, max shoved lucas away from her before their lips could touch. she whispered that she was sorry and ran out the hall and into the corridor covered in their lockers, pushing past all the people in her way, even making punch fall on stacy's expensive purple dress, staining it forever.

the last song of 'lover's hour' finally finished and it felt like days that mike wheeler had to slow dance with jane hopper and pretend like he wanted her arms to be around him.

he saw the table where will, dustin and lucas sat at and walked to it, picking up his drink and gulping it down in one go. ignoring jane's distant calls for him.

"woah, easy there, mike." will cautioned.

"yeah, you might be a threat to the keg king, and i heard he's an absolute built up bad boy." dustin laughed.

mike shrugged their silly comments off, and noticed the the elephant in the hall. "where's max?"

"thought you would know, pretty boy." lucas said, making his presence known, he was leaning back in his chair with his arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed.

"i have no idea what you mean, dude."

"oh, don't you now?" lucas stood up and started to walk towards mike."i've seen you eying up my girlfriend, don't you already have one? are you disloyal? another thing to add to your list of flaws." sinclair stated, poking mike's chest, making him stumbled back.

"that's not true!" mike tried to announce, making what lucas said to be some bullshit.

"and he's also a liar, everybody! wow, what the perfect ladies magnet, i'm not surprised, max was always throwing herself at other boys the second she was away from me, what a slu-"

before lucas could finish his sentence, mike had punch him square in the nose, making it bleed heavily. he fled the scene as the boys attended to his needs.

mike climbed up the bleachers, no sign of maxine from up there. he tried to think, she wouldn't have left as she has no ride and she lives on the other side of hawkins. but she could have walked home, not varying about the consequences? noo, girls hate walking in high heels for long periods of time, that's what nancy told me anyway..

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