X - Bleachers (Clem X Brody Part II.).

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(Continuation of the first chapter, takes place in the shed by the stream.)


"Oh my god," Brody sighed, sitting up on the somewhat soft mattress that sat in the shed by the river. "What's wrong?" Clementine raised her eyebrows, looking down at Brody with concerned eyes. A bang. Walkers of course. "That's what wrong." Brody pouted impatiently, her elbows getting tired from putting all her weight on them. "I can't do it with them listening either. I tried to ignore them." Clementine sighed, pushing herself up and off of the auburn-haired girl. "I'll take em' out."

"Be safe, Clem. Please." Brody's eyes trailed after Clem with worry filling her gut. "I promise I'll be right back," Clem whispered before opening the door, finger over her mouth signaling her to be quiet. She quietly stepped out of the door, sliding her knife out of its holder, clenching in her hand, confirming a grip on it.

Brody let out an impatient groan, standing up, hearing the slowly rotting wood creak under her feet. She began unbuttoning her shirt while she waited for her lover to come back. While she fumbled with the buttons, her imagination began to take over once more. The blood rushed to her cheeks as she thought of all the things Clementine would do to her. She inhaled sharply, getting the third button undone.

Brody turned away from the door, sliding her shoes off and putting them by the fire place. When she turned back to lay down, she was met face to face with Clementine who quickly covered her mouth just before she squealed. "You've gotta at least try to be quiet. I don't wanna get eaten alive." The golden-eyed girl chuckled, slowly removing her soft, caramel-skinned hand from her mouth. "Got it?" Clementine whispered, wanting confirmation from the redhead. "Mhm." Brody nodded her head quickly, "Good girl." Clem praised her before finishing her buttons for her, lips connecting with Brody's pale neck.

Her skin turned red instantly. Brody's small, quiet whimpers only tempted Clementine to be more aggressive, but with all the activity that'd been going on recently, she didn't need to take that chance.

Their lips separated only for Clementine to slide her shirt above her head and toss it onto the table next to Brody's. The red-cheeked girl couldn't help but to admire Clementine's almond skin, how toned she was, and her confident stance...

One gentle push was all it took for Brody to fall back onto the bed softly. Her heart began racing and the heat rushed between her legs. Clementine climbed on top of her without a warning and began leaving purple marks on her sensitive skin. Brody let out silent sobs of pleasure, gripping onto the sheets to keep herself quiet.

Clementine kissed every inch of Brody's skin, making marks along the way. Before Clementine got the chance, Brody eagerly reached for the button on her jeans. "Be patient." Clementine had a stern tone coating her voice. With pure dominance, She pinned Brody's hands above her head and whispered, "We move at my pace. You want it that bad, you'll have to wait. Alright?"

"Yes, ma'am." Brody whispered, making eye contact with the girl hovering over her, lips centimeters apart, and anticipation making her shiver. Clementine took her time this time, starting with her lips, leaving sloppy kisses on them that trailed down to her neck, making sure to leave new marks this time. Brody shook after every single kiss, feeling the pit of her stomach fill with butterflies, her cheeks flush, and her back slowly arching. "Well, somebody's impatient." Clementine chuckled, unbuttoning Brody's pants painfully slow, observing her squirming.

Brody lifted her hips, helping the unwanted clothing slider right off of her body. The sight always caught Clementine off guard no matter how many times she'd saw it. She loved everything about her body from the freckles on her face to the heart-shaped birthmark on her inner thigh.

Brody's legs were spread open by Clementine's warm, medium-sized hands her body yearning for what would come next. "Everything okay?" Clem smirked, gently rubbing Brody's sensitive spot through her underwear like it was nothing. A quick nod was all she got from her as she panted, trying her best to stay quiet.

"I'm surprised you haven't made that much noise... But that might change in a bit." Clem's voice was soft but stern while she pulled at the waistband of Brody's underwear, sliding them down her legs slowly, the softness of the fabric grazing her fingertips before she placed them on the table beside them along with their shirts.

Clementine began kissing the girl's inner thighs, felling her shiver more than before. Brody attempted to squeeze her thighs together, looking for any kind of friction she could find, only to be stopped by Clementine keeping her legs spread as a heartbeat started to form between them. She definitely couldn't wait any longer.

The feeling of Clem breathing on her made her let out a hasty sigh, part of her wanting to push her head down without a warning and the other part thinking of the consequences.

"Grab a pillow... and put it over your mouth. I don't trust you to stay quiet without it."

Brody snatched the pillow from underneath her head and cover her face with it in a hurry. Clementine had to laugh. It was pure entertainment for her. Watching her struggle to even breathe, but this was her favorite part.

Clem dipped her head, giving Brody exactly what she was craving. A long moan of relief was let out into the pillow, minimizing the sound as much as possible. That motivated Clementine in ways nobody would understand. She began moving her tongue faster, feeling the redhead grinding against it as well.

"Please... Clem..." Brody pleaded, grinding against her tongue even faster, her heart picking up the pace as she became redder by the second. The feeling in her stomach began to overload from the pleasure she was receiving. Clementine kept the pace steady, not wanting to ruin her high. Brody continued to cry into her pillow, biting it as hard as her muscles would let her, letting out long moans with it. Her back arched as she reached her climax.

Unsurprisingly, Clementine didn't stop there. She kept her tongue moving and slid a finger inside of her, feeling her walls tighten up at the random pleasure. Brody was on the verge of probably ripping the pillow with her teeth as her soft bud twitched against Clementine's tongue.

The slickness between Brody's legs made it a lot easier for Clementine to slide her two fingers in and out, repeatedly hitting a spot that made her toes curl. Clementine took note of that and started to go faster, hitting that same spot over and over again at an aggressive pace. Her walls fluttered, her juices releasing and finding itself all over Clementine's fingers, but she didn't stop there. She wanted to go for three in a row.

She continued to thrust her fingers, ignoring her attempts to get her to stop. She curled her fingers, feeling her get even tenser, and the slickness intensifying. She went deeper, making Brody grip the sheets with one hand and scream into the pillow with the other hand securing it. She had no control over her body. She continued to try and push Clementine's head away, but that only made matters worse. She was only gaining more friction every time she moved. Brody swore as loud as she could, muffling it with the cushion being held over her mouth while her walls tightened up once more, even more fluids releasing onto Clementine's fingers and more back arching as all of those things happened.

Clementine slowly slid her fingers out, admiring the stickiness Brody left on them. "You... taste so fucking good." Clementine smirked after cleaning her fingers off with her mouth. The blue-eyed girl could only blush at the compliment, not knowing how to respond. "Did I do good?" Brody looked at Clementine with hopeful eyes.

"You did great... I'm proud."

An attempt to sit up sent her right back down after trying to move one of her legs. "What's wrong?" Clementine looked at her with concern, hoping that she wasn't too rough on her. "Was I too rough?" "What hurts?" "Can you move-"

"I'm okay, Clem. I'm just a little sore. I promise." Brody smiled as her cheeks were cupped. "When you're ready, let me know when you wanna get dressed so we can head back... I'm gonna carry you by the way."

"You don't have to-"

"No, no, no, you've been a good girl. You deserve it."


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