X- Good Girl. (Minerva X Brody)

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Brody tucked in her white button-up, loving the way her outfit turned out. She started to check for wrinkles, spinning around in the mirror, subconsciously watching her pink skirt twirl as well. "You look nice." Minerva grinned, her hands behind her back while she eyeballed the other red-head. "Thanks." Brody gave her a bright smile, her cheeks turning red from the compliment. "I need you to do something for me..." Minerva started, a persuasive tone already covering her voice. "What is it?" Brody looked at Minerva curiously, watching her make her way to where she was standing.

Minerva wrapped her arms around the girl's waist seductively, one fist still balled up. "I need you... to put this where it belongs." Minerva opened her palm, revealing a small vibrator. Brody looked at it, then back at Minerva through the mirror in slight shock. "Think you can handle that?" The taller girl whispered in her ear, sending chills down her spine and blood rushing to her cheeks. "Yes..." Brody responded quietly, still stuck in awe. "Yes, what?"Minerva raised her left eyebrow, looking for what she considered a correct answer. "Yes, daddy."

"Good girl. Meet me in the car." Minerva placed the vibrator down on the dresser before walking out, giving Brody her own privacy.


Brody gently closed the car door, looking over at Minerva with innocence. "You feel okay?" Minnie brushed a strand of hair out of Brody's face, clearly concerned about her comfortability. A quick nod was all she got in response. "You know the rule. If you're uncomfortable, you don't have to do it."

"No, I want to." Brody tried to seem more confident about what she was about to go along with. Truth is, she was already shaking, knowing how Minerva is and how far she would push the limit. "Let me know if you change your mind."


As they sat down, waiting for somebody to take their order, Minerva pulled her phone out of her crossbody pouch. Brody didn't pay too much attention to it as she was on her own phone, posting about their date. One of her hands sat in Minerva's resting peacefully gathering warmth and soaking in comfort.

"How was work?" Minerva looked up from her phone after setting up the BlueTooth connection. (mhm, BlueTooth vibrators are a real thing.) "Uh... It was pretty good... I didn't have too much to do today." Brody cheesed, turning her phone off after posting her status. Minerva's ocean eyes rested on Brody's face, admiring the freckles that sat there but also waiting for the countdown to go off and the vibrations to start at a low pace. "What about you?" Brody crossed her legs under the table, forgetting the device was inside of her. "Well, I guess today was pretty easy. This one girl kept calling my office though and she was starting to get annoying. I blocked her number after the fourth time." Minerva kept the conversation going, ending her sentence just before the vibrator started to move.

"Minnie..." Brody gasped, covering her mouth with one of her hands in shock. Minerva grinned, watching as the waiter approached the table. She decided to turn it up just a little, watching her cheeks go completely red.

"Hey, my name is Mariana, I'll be serving you today. Are you guys ready to order?"

Minerva gave Brody the go-ahead, telling her to order first. "Yeah... I... Can I get... A... Um... Iced... uh... Can I have a lemonade...?" Brody stuttered, squeezing her thighs together, hoping it would calm the vibrations even just a little, but that only made matters worse. The slickness already started making her undies damp.

"I'll have a long island iced tea, and for the appetizer, mozzarella sticks." Minerva confidently spoke, turning the vibrator up to the highest setting. "Alright, you guys know what you wanna eat?" Mariana looked between the two, noticing Brody biting her lip, but not paying any attention to her. "She'd like a chicken Ceaser salad... I'll take the Bourbon Street Steak."

"And for your sides?"

"Mashed potatoes and asparagus," Minerva concluded their order, watching Brody squirm in her seat and squeeze her hand with all the strength she had in her body. "Alright, I'll be right back with your drinks."

Minerva didn't want all the fun to be over just yet. She turned it down to the lowest setting, making Brody pout with disappointment but relief at the same time. She gave Minne a look, hoping she wouldn't turn it back up too soon.

"How'd the meeting go?" Minerva folded her arms on the table as they waited for their order. "I-It went- Mhm." Brody continued to stumble over her words, looking down at her feet. "Don't be ashamed because it feels good... Look at me, baby girl." Minerva spoke in a lower toned voice, a smile creeping on her face. Brody raised her head, looking into the piercing blue eyes across from her. "You're doing a great job, but, I want you to use your words. Alright?"

"Yes, daddy." Brody whimpered, still feeling the vibrator hit that spot that made her back arch. "Good girl." Minerva praised her, stroking her hand with a thumb.

"Uh... Long island iced tea and... A strawberry lemonade?" Mariana came back with the drinks, setting them on the table. Minerva took this opportunity to turn the setting back up. Brody trembled, feeling it hit her sensitive spot more aggressively. "I- I- I ordered... a regular lem... lemonade."

"Sorry... I'll fix that right up for you." The waiter took the drink back, continuing onto the rest of the tables. "Look at you being a big girl. I told you you could do it."


Part II under construction :).

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