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I attempted to look around at my surroundings. Once again, I could make nothing out. There was nothing here. Every day I asked myself how I ended up where I am. I used to keep track of how long I've been here, but after four hundred and two days, I lost track. I missed birthdays, holidays, and more. I wasn't alone here; my only company was the man who I called Red. My kidnapper. I called him this because whenever he was around, I was always angry. He was the reason I was trapped, and he wasn't letting me go anytime soon. Life here wasn't completely terrible, but maybe I've just gotten used to it. Every day I wake up in a room which is slightly different than the last. Red cycles me through rooms for reasons unknown.

In these rooms, there is only ever a bed, and there are no sheets or pillows. Every three days, I am blindfolded and taken to a shower room. For the hour I'm allowed in there, I have to brush my teeth, use the bathroom if I need to, and bathe. Any other time I need a toilet, I am forced to find a spot in my room. In the shower, there is a razor that has been there since I first arrived and two bottles of soap. At least cleanliness is somewhat available. I get one meal a day. Usually, it consists of random meat, a pile of mixed vegetables, and either rice or potatoes on the side. Don't let the options fool you though, it all looks like a pile of mush. For special holidays Red often gives me a special surprise with my meal. Sometimes it's a slice of watermelon, a piece of chocolate, half a pop-tart, or anything like that. I'm lucky if I don't have to pick off any rotten spots. That's how I know when a holiday passes. The real treat is on my birthday; he gives a slice of soggy cake. Usually, it's chocolate or vanilla. Then at night, I am given a small blue pill. It knocks me out, and when I wake up, I'm in a new room. 

I know I'm not the only person trapped down here because I've heard him talking. His name is Connor. I have never seen his face. I often listen through the walls and vents when Red takes Connor to the big room. Everything in there is white. In the centre of this place, chained to the floor, is a metal table and two chairs. When I am in this room, I am in the chair and unable to move. Red sits across from me and wears a mask that is also completely white. He takes this time to ask me questions, and if my answers do not satisfy him, then he comes up with some sort of punishment. On multiple occasions, he has left my hands free so that I can take my shirt off for him. He had always kept his hands to himself but forced me to touch my breasts. I learned to do what he asks of me because the consequences are always much more severe than the requests.

As I sat up in my bed, the chain on my ankle rattled. I was allowed to stand up, but the chain wasn't long enough to reach the door. It'd be a dumb move on his part if he made it that easy. I placed my bare feet on the cold cement and stretched my arms upwards. I held my breath and listened. I heard faint voices and stood on the edge of my bed to place my ear beside the vent.

"How was your meal last night, birthday boy?" Red asked. I could easily recognize his voice.

"It was fine," Connor answered. I had gotten quite good at recognizing his voice, as well.

"Great, I have a little surprise for you. I'm not sure if you have heard a girl's screams throughout your time here. Her name is Mya. She's been here for a total for four hundred and ninety-eight days," Red replied.

"How long have I been here?" Conner asked.

"You have been here three hundred and ninety-eight days,"

"So what is so special about her? Why'd you bring her up?" Connor asked. I began to notice his voice was quite rough. It sounded like he was sick.

"Well, on your four-hundredth day, and her five hundredth day, I thought I would introduce you two right here in this very room," Red explained.

"Why?" Connor asked.

"I have been taking extra care of Mya to make sure her body has the nutrients it needs for my next step. I simply need her to carry a child. It is an issue that Mya won't be 18 until December, but come the day the baby arrives, she will be about three months from her birthday. She won't be keeping the child anyways," Red said.

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