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-DAY 2-

I looked up at the fan that was hanging above me. I was bored out of my mind. Being bored wasn't something new to me, but it was weird to be in this fancy place with another person and be bored. It was actually quite annoying. All I wanted was to watch some TV, maybe see what was happening in the world, or even read a newspaper. There was no way Red would give us those things. Even if he would, I would ask for food first. If Connor and I were living together, it would only be fair that we had to cook our own meals too. I wasn't fond of cooking, but I would definitely force myself to learn. Connor and I could combine our chef skills and whip something up. The best thing I knew how to make was grilled cheese, and we could not live off of that. We needed fruits and vegetables, milk, water, bread, and obviously some sort of junk food. I really wish I took those cooking classes my mom tried to force me in to. It would've made my life a whole lot easier; especially if I could convince Red to give us our own supply of food.

I started to think about actually asking Red, but I was afraid that he may get angry. Then again I could play the pregnancy card. If he thought I was asking to build up my strength more for the baby, maybe he'd consider it. There was no way to ask him in here. Connor and I weren't taken to see Red anymore, and we never saw him. The only way we knew he existed was from the food being delivered every day. The disgusting pile of mush he provided. I was grateful he was at least feeding us something, but every bite was nauseating. I can't count the number of times I've had to fight gags. About an hour ago, Red dropped off breakfast. It was right after Connor and I had a conversation about our so-called feelings. The anger that has built up inside us over the past year and a bit. Breakfast consisted of scrambled eggs, strawberries, and bacon. I know those are all good foods, but don't let that fool you. The eggs were barely scrambled, instead, they were almost runny. Then there were the strawberries. These probably would've been fine, if it wasn't for the specks of green and black. I don't know if you've ever eaten raw bacon, but it's almost like eating sushi, except its slimy and not wrapped in rice.

I was feeling a little sick from this morning's breakfast. My best guess was that it was the bacon. If there were any foods I'd eat raw, bacon is not one of them. I'd rather have eaten the half-rotten strawberries. Connor had eaten everything on his plate and didn't speak a word the entire time. He was very clearly deep in thought, or he was just disappointed with the way the meal looked. It was weird how gross the meals looked when there were lights on. In the dark rooms we used to be trapped in, there was barely any light to see the food. The only disturbing part was the textures. Now it was a lot more than that. What kind of nutrients was I getting from these meals? If he wanted this amazing healthy baby, he was not doing it right. As I was racking my brain for ideas on how to convince Red to provide us with better food, Connor walked into the room holding his stomach.

"That was not a good breakfast," He stated.

"Yeah, I know. I am feeling the same way. I was just thinking of ways we could convince Red to give us better food, or at least stuff to make our own meals," I replied.

"Let's talk about anything except for food right now. It makes me feel even more nauseous," Connor replied. He patted his stomach lightly as he laid back onto the bed.

"Okay, what should we talk about then?" I asked. I rolled over onto my side so I could look at him.

"I honestly have no idea. This is probably going to be the longest day ever. It's so weird being forced to sit in silence for over a year, and then not know what to say to someone when you finally don't have to anymore," Connor said.

"I was thinking about that earlier. I'm so bored. It feels like I am actually more bored than when I was alone," I replied.

"Not me. I hated being alone. I'd rather be bored with someone here because then at least I can remind myself that I'm not alone. I remember every day I sat on that cold, hard mattress and all I could think about was how easier it would be if I were dead," Connor admitted.

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