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-DAY 1-

I don't remember falling asleep, all I remember is waking up and feeling a soft pillow under my head. When my eyes opened, I was even more confused because the room was filled with light. Above me hung a fan and a light. The fan was turning ever so slightly and was making a soft humming sound that filled the room. As I sat up, I became more confused. Where was I? I wasn't home, I wasn't in a hospital, so where am I? When I finally stood up, the wood was smooth and cold on my feet. I was almost too scared to move, something did not seem right about where I was right now.

I began inching slowly toward the door on my left. I began to wonder what was behind it. Was it bad? Was it good? Had I been rescued or woken up from a horrible nightmare? I slowly turned the doorknob and swung the door open. My stomach instantly dropped as if I was going down a hill on a rollercoaster. The door led to another room that had a couch, a dining table with two chairs, an oven, a fridge, a dishwasher, and a whole bunch of cupboards. I looked over to the couch and saw Connor was sitting there, watching me.

"Where are we?" I asked. Seeing him meant that I was not out of this place and it was all still very much real.

"I'm not sure, it's weird because there are doors that lead to other rooms, like the bedroom you were just in, and then another that leads to a bathroom. It's like we're in a small apartment, but there's no escape,"

Almost instantly the pieces clicked together like a puzzle in my brain. "He trapped us here. we're supposed to get to know each other and he placed us in a comfortable setting together because we're supposed to make a baby. He probably wants me to sleep on more than just a rock hard mattress,"

"But how long do we stay in here?" Connor asked.

"Well, we have one month to get to know each other, then nine months after that," I said. I was a little frustrated that he couldn't figure that out on his own. It was common sense if he had been paying attention at all.

"There's only one bed,"

"Then we share, it's not like I'm going to bite. If you want to be far from me then I can sleep on the couch, or you can, or we can take turns," I suggested. Was he serious? He was concerned about sleeping arrangments right now.

"We can share. I just didn't know if you'd be comfortable with that. There's no way I'm sleeping on a couch, even for a night. I haven't seen a real bed in so long and I have no issue sleeping next to you. We'll have to get used to it sooner or later," Connor replied. He turned his head away from me. It was clear he didn't want to talk about it anymore.

Instead of pushing Connor to talk more, I walked towards the door he had said led to a bathroom. Would I really get the luxury of having a real toilet 24/7? I couldn't believe that there were two toothbrushes sitting on the counter along with two tubes of toothpaste. I turned to look into the shower and saw large bottles of shampoo and conditioner, a woman and mans razor, and body wash. I felt like I was dreaming. This truly is insane because I have everything I haven't had for five hundred days, and even though I have to share it with Connor, it was still amazing.

"Mya?" Connor shouted. I turned and peeked my head out the door.


"I think we should talk, I mean, this is kind of insane," Connor responded. His voice was way quieter, and he sounded almost worried.

I stared at him for a moment. Not even two minutes ago he was as quiet as a mouse. He didn't want to talk about anything except for sleeping arrangments, and now he wants to talk about all of this? I mean I wanted to discuss it too, but I didn't want to keep going on and off with this boy. For some reason he gives me the feeling he's the type that changes moods very fast and that's just not something I deal well with.

"Fine, but if we're talking about this, then we're talking about all of this," I said as I made my way over to the couch. I sat down on the opposite end but sat so I could face him.

"Okay. I guess I just want to say this is really hard. I never knew there was someone else down here and I didn't think I'd ever get human interaction again. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited to be able to talk to someone, but that doesn't mean that I'm not absolutely terrified of having sex with a stranger and having a baby that I can't even keep," Connor said.

"I get it. I don't necessarily want to do it either, but I was thinking about it and since this whole plan came about, we've been told that we're going to get treated better so we can produce a healthy baby. Now, look at us. We have this place to ourselves! We have an actual toilet! We have a shower!" I responded.

"Are you serious? This child is going to go into the hands of a complete psycho! How could you even think that way?" Connor asked. His eyes were judgemental, and his lips formed a small frown.

"I mean we could fake it. Do you know? Like, pretend to have sex, maybe you put your dick like to the side and just rub it on my inner thigh? Like just pretend, and then he'll think I'm unable to carry a child, and he'll either kill me or release me,"

"That's great and all for you, but what about me? He won't release me, he'll think you're the problem and I'll be stuck down here while your ass is alive or wandering around in heaven! It's unfair! I say we do it, then six months into the pregnancy we plan an escape," Connor argued.

"I'm sorry, genius, how do you plan to escape?" I asked. I crossed my arms and narrowed my eyes at him. I knew very well that he has already tried to escape in many different ways, just like I have.

"I know we've both tried before, but now there's two of us. That means double the power. We could probably knock the guy out and run,"

"Red," I said. My voice was quiet but strong, could this really work?


"I call him Red, it's easier than saying 'that guy' or 'him'," I explained.

"So what do you say?" Connor asked.

"I don't want to keep the child, if we get out we put it up for adoption and move on with our lives, okay?" I asked.

"Deal, I won't be able to have a kid while doing online courses to catch up in school anyways. I'm way too young. I just don't want the kid going to him. He's crazy, and I don't want any child of mine ending up a freakshow," Connor agreed.

"Great. So what do we do now?" I asked. Now that I was over all of the excitement of being in here, I was realizing there was nothing much to do here at all.

Connor looked around for a moment and then smiled. "Want to be twelve years old again?" He asked.

"I've got nothing better to do, what's the idea?"

"Twenty questions. Red said we have to get to know each other. I wouldn't be surprised if he quizzed us on that. This way we can get to know more about each other," Connor suggested shyly.

"Okay, but you're starting because I said so,"


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