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-Day 5-

I sat on the floor of the shower and let the water run down my back. My knees were tucked to my chest, and I felt nauseous. Connor and I had slid the note under the door, and Red hadn't been by to drop off food since. We were both convinced at this point that Red was going to starve us to death. Literally. It was a terrifying thought. Of course, we couldn't think of anything but negative, we were both starving and couldn't see any positive in the situation. Connor had tried to convince me that Red was just deciding what to do, but as we got more hungry, the less optimistic he became. I couldn't help but feel it was my fault. If I just accepted the food we originally had, we wouldn't be in this mess.

Last night was filled with gurgling sounds and complaining about hunger. This was strange because I always thought I was hungry before, but know I have a whole new perspective. Connor hadn't said anything to me about the situation, except for the odd 'I'm hungry' statement. I wanted to apologize to him. I just wanted to say that I was sorry about my silly idea, and how it caused us sleepless nights and nausea. I didn't think it would cause us more pain. I thought Red would deny our request and continue with the horrible meals, but instead, he cut us off. It had only been a day since the note, but it was clear Red received it.

I stood up slowly, trying to fight the wave of dizziness that hit me like a truck. I couldn't explain how I was feeling, but I knew it wasn't right. Every step I took felt slow, and my legs felt like they would give out from under me. I grabbed the counter as I got out of the shower to steady myself. The warmth of the towel wasn't enough to stop my body from trembling. I did my usual routine of using my hands to feel where my skin was still wet and dry those areas. I then pulled my clothes on and flicked the light switch up. I bit my lip as another wave of nausea washed over me. I felt guilty knowing that my idea was the reason why Connor and I felt this way right now.I left the bathroom and looked around the room. Connor was sitting on the couch, staring at the floor. I walked over slowly and sat down beside him.

"I'm sorry about this,"

"What?" Connor asked.

"I'm sorry for suggesting the idea. If I didn't, we wouldn't be feeling this way right now," I explained.

"I agreed with the idea. It was a good idea. It isn't your fault," Connor reassured.

"I still feel like there was something I could've done to prevent it," I responded quietly.

"We still don't know what Red is planning to do. He could be out getting groceries right now," Connor said.

"Come on, you know Red," I said, using a tone I probably shouldn't have been using. I was hungry and upset.

"Mya, you have to remember we asked Red for something. We have never done that before. He may take a bit to digest it, and then maybe he'll decide to go along with it," Connor said. He was trying to stay optimistic.


Unfortunately, I couldn't believe what Connor was saying right now. I wanted to, but I just couldn't. Red was an evil man, and he didn't care if we suffered. Connor reached out and grabbed my hand. He didn't look at me, but he laced his fingers with mine and moved his thumb along my skin. I felt goosebumps form up my arm.

"Red needs us. He isn't going to kill us," Connor stated. His voice was smooth and quiet.

"That didn't stop him before," I replied. I gestured towards the stain on the cupboard.

"Maybe Red was doing different stunts with them, or maybe the girl or boy was murdered by their partner," Connor suggested.

I took a moment to think about what he was saying. Was it possible two people before we turned against each other? My stomach turned. I wasn't sure if it was from the lack of food or the thought of murder, but I felt queasy. It wasn't impossible, but it was indeed crazy.

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